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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) 📐

    utthita (extended) + parsva (side) + kona (angle) + asana (pose) Extended Side Angle is like a multi-use It´s often incorporated into a vinyasa with Triangle Pose & "the Warriors", & as such, creates a fabulous Let´s talk side body: yoga poses like this lengthen the spine & lift the upper body out of our pelvic After you pracise this pose equally on both sides, relax with Starfish & Goddess Pose, & perhaps some There are several variations to make this pose more challenging (you can try a bind with your hands,

  • Upward Salute Side Bend Pose / Standing Half Moon Pose (Parsva Urdhva Hastasana)🌙

    parsva (side) + urdhva (upright) + hasta (hand) + asana (pose) Upward Salute Side Bend (certainly not Prepare for Parsva Urdhva Hastasana with Mountain Pose, Palm Tree Pose, & perhaps Goddess Pose, & then & an upper-body side stretch) like Extended Side Angle Pose. Benefits: stretches the entire side body strengthens the core, legs, ankles, & feet lengthens the spine If this pose is at all too challenging for you, try Palm Tree Pose instead.

  • Straddle Pose/Seated Angle (Upavistha Konasana)

    upavistha (seated) + kona (angle) + asana (pose) There´s a delicate balance in yoga between activating With our legs spread wide & our torso bending forward, Seated Angle (also known as Seated Straddle) Pose Pose, & following it up with Boat Pose, Seated Forward Fold, Bridge, or Wind Release Pose. There´s so much to love about Seated Angle that no matter how you choose to modify the pose, your body Modify or avoid Seated Angle Pose if you experience groin pain, have had an injury to that area, or will

  • Cobbler's Pose/Bound Angle/Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)🦋

    baddha (bound) + kona (angle) + asana (pose) Helping you to rediscover your inner child, Cobbler's Pose , or spending some time in Easy Pose. Easy Pose is also a wonderful way to relax your body afterwards. Whether you call it Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Throne Pose - or Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana Remember: Cobbler's Pose is one of the few poses that can be practised comfortably soon after eating

  • Side Lunge Pose (Skandasana)

    skanda (god of war) + asana (pose) Side Lunge - or Half Squat - is another trifecta of a pose as it´s , Cobbler´s Pose, Chair Pose, or Warrior 1. Consider entering the pose from Wide Legged Forward Fold D & then following it up with Head-to-Knee Pose Keep your spine long, the top of your head reaching skyward, & flex the foot of your extended leg. ​ Modify or avoid Side Lunge Pose if you have sustained serious injuries to your knees, ankles, groin,

  • Reclining Cobbler's/Bound Angle/Butterfly Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) 🦋

    supta (reclined) + baddha (bound) + kona (angle) + asana (pose) I´m not going to suggest that Reclining (or Supine) Butterfly (or Cobbler´s or Bound Angle) Pose is pretty much everyone's favourite yoga pose Pose. Don´t worry about the position of your feet — it may be more comfortable to have your legs extended so Modify or avoid Reclining Butterfly/Cobbler´s/Bound Angle Pose if you have any knee, neck, & hip injuries

  • Extended Child´s Pose (Utthita Balasana)

    utthita (extended) + bala (child) + asana (pose) or Prasarita [wide] Balasana) A Beginner-Friendly restorative pose, Extended Child is a delicious variation of Child´s Pose, a Foundation Pose that´s a favourite Cat Cow, Down Dog, & Cobra are all excellent poses to prepare our bodies for Extended Child´s & to relax The beauty of Extended Child is that it offers us rest when sequenced between challenging poses, it´s Modify or avoid Extended Child´s Pose if you suffer from acute arthritis, knees joint pain, or rheumatoid

  • Side Reclining Leg Lift Pose (Anantasana)

    Most of us know it as the somewhat more prosaic "Side Reclining Leg Lift Pose": an intermediate-level Ensure that you´ve prepped with Crocodile Pose, Reclining Big Toe Pose, Gorilla Pose, & any variation of Easy Side Reclining Leg Lifts. Side Reclining Leg Lift Pose is a relaxing even restorative pose, so don´t stress out if (or when) you Modify or avoid Side Reclining Leg Lift Pose if you have sustained injuries in the ankles, knees, &/or

  • Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana) 🔺

    parivrtta (revolved) + trikona (triangle) + asana (pose) Revolved Triangle is a fabulous twisty, side This intermediate level standing pose is obviously an extension of Triangle Pose, & as such is both stabilizing , any of the Warriors, & Extended Side Angle Pose. Remember to express this pose on both sides for the same length of time, & to relax afterwards with Standing Forward Fold, Runner´s Lunge, Down Dog, & perhaps Starfish Pose.

  • Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)🔺

    trikona (triangle) + asana (pose) We don´t know anyone who doesn´t love Triangle Pose—I mean, do these This Beginner-friendly standing pose is an intense hip-opener that allows us to be the conduit between Regardless how you express it, warm up your body with Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, & Extended Side Angle Pose & then afterwards, relax in the same poses, but perhaps add Starfish & Goddess Pose. word by the way) - you don´t need to be a mathematician to reap the benefits of this simple awesome pose

  • Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana) ⚔️

    viparita (reverse) + vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose) One of our favourite Warriors, Reverse There are several variations to this pose that usually focus on the position of your hands & arms; you To make this pose less challenging, you can shorten your stance or come down on bended knee. Remember to warm up beforehand with a Warrior sequence, Extended Side Angle Pose, Reverse Triangle Pose , & Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose, & then let your muscles relax afterward with the same poses.

  • Gate Pose (Parighasana)

    parigha (door/gate) + asana (pose We tell our yogis until the cows come home that side bends are not the side, or with Half Circle Pose, or Half Moon Variation (the knee of the supporting leg is on the Afterwards, Extended Child´s Pose is a delicious relaxation pose, as are Crescent Lunge & Puppy Pose. This is a great prenatal pose as Gate lengthens the sides of the belly, creating more room for the internal Avoid or modify Gate Pose if you: have ankle, knee or shoulder injuries have suffered any trauma to your

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