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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Seated Windshield Wiper Pose (Upavistha Jathara Parivartanasana)

    upavistha (wide) + jathara (belly) + parivarta (evolution) + asana (pose) For many of us, Seated Windshield You can use this pose to prepare your body for more challenging poses like Cobbler's, Garland, Goddess , Seated Straddle, & Firelog Poses or to give your body a rest after any of them. Like a metronome, your legs will help regulate your breath as you move from side to side & gently twist Your body & mind will feel amazing during & after this pose, & the best part?

  • Palm Tree Pose / Raised Hands (Urdhva Hastasana)🌴

    urdhva (raised) + hasta (hands) + asana (pose) Okay, this foundation pose (for standing poses & inversions ) may seem ridiculously easy-peasy, but Palm Tree (or Raised hands or Upward Salute) Pose still requires This beginner-friendly, grounding but uplifting sidebending stretch teaches us how to extend our body The beauty of this pose is that it targets, involves, & engages the muscles & joints of the entire body element to it with Extended Mountain Pose with backbend or Upward Salute Sidebend.

  • Sundial / Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana) 🧭

    parivrtta (revolved) + surya (sun) + yantra + (instrument) + asana (pose) You call it Compass Pose & body, it nonetheless requires a lot of preparation (do warm up with hip & shoulder openers, revolved poses Consider preparing for the pose with Heron, Half Lotus, Shooting Bow, or Cobbler's Pose, & following it up afterwards with Cradle Pose, Garland Pose, &/or Half Pigeon. Modify or avoid Compass / Sundial Pose if you are pregnant or postnatal.

  • Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) ⚔️

    vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose) Of the 3 Warrior poses, Warrior III is rightfully considered This standing/balancing pose strengthens the core (in fact, the entire body) & requires energy, patience We learn how to adjust our position in space with balancing poses such as Warrior III (*especially* W3 Along with Warrior I & Warrior II, warm up with Half Moon & Palm Tree Pose. You may have to come in & out of the pose several times before you finally lift off.

  • Pelican Pose (Eka Pada Parivrtta Utkatasana)

    as One-Legged Revolved Chair pose (phew! , Pelican (a variation of Chair Pose), is a twisting standing pose that not only incorporates a balance Like all twisting poses, Pelican Pose is a great detoxifier, wringing out physical & emotional toxins the balancing aspect is throwing you off kilter, try chair pose or revolved chair pose until Pelican )parivrtta (revolved) + utka (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose)

  • Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita karani)

    Legs Up the Wall is not only a supported restorative supine pose, but is also a great prep pose to help ease you into Plough Pose. Warm up with Bridge Pose, some Supine Spinal Twists, & Wind Release Pose. Pose will thank your body for you. This pose can be simplified (those with reduced mobility can do this pose with knees bent & soles of

  • One-legged Chair Pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana) 🪑

    eka (one) + pada (leg) + utkata (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose) Another Swiss Army Knife of a pose Pigeon Pose, &/or Revolved Wide-Legged Fold. Relax afterwards in Chair Pose, Garland Pose, & Standing Forward Fold. Just remember to try holding this pose for 30-60 seconds on each side, but if you´re not there yet, that Modify or avoid One-Legged Chair Pose if you have had spine, ankle, knee, or hip injuries suffer from

  • Rag Doll Pose (Baddha Hasta Uttanasana)

    baddha (bound) +hasta (hand) + uttana (stretched out) + asana (pose) Sometimes called Dangling Pose, Rag Doll is a standing, stretching pose that´s a passive variation of Standing Forward Fold because here You should bring some heat to your body beforehand with Chair Pose, Mountain Pose with a Backbend, & Remember: your neck should be completely loose in this pose & your knees lifting upwards. Remember to come out of this pose slowly & keep your eyes closed for a bit.

  • Three-Legged Dog Pose (Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana) 🦵🏻🦵🏿🦵🏾

    tri (three) + pada (leg) + adho (downward) + mukha (face) + svana (dog) + asana (pose) A variation of Downward Facing Dog Pose, Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana is an asymmetrical hip-opening standing pose While not a super difficult pose for many yogis, & often incorporated into standing vinyasas, 3-legged Three-legged Down Dog prepares us for more challenging poses like 1-Handed 3-legged Down Dog & Standing Split Pose, but if you´re not there yet, consider bending your extended leg as this will help you maintain

  • Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana)

    ) Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend is another Swiss Army knife (or Leatherman if you prefer) of a pose Lunge, Goddess & Starfish Poses. & then afterwards, relax your body in the same poses that you prepped with, but maybe toss in a Mountain Pose. a good prep pose for seated twists. Remember: be mindful of your intelligent edge, & don´t force the pose.

  • Runner's Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

    utthita (raised) + ashva (horse) + sanchalana (movement) + asana (pose) Ready? Set! Go! from High Lunge to Plank), but it´s a great pose in its own right as it tones the lower body, opens If you´re aiming for a gentle approach to your practice, consider entering into the pose from Tabletop Afterwards, you can treat your body to Boat Pose (full or half), Wind Release Pose, Cow Face Pose, & Remember: that your bent front knee creates a right angle, & that your knee should be positioned directly

  • Wild Thing (Camatkarasana)

    camatkara (miracle /surprised) + asana (pose) Whether you call it Flip Dog or Wild Thing (we like Wild or Crescent Lunge, &/or Child´s Pose. your hips to the floor, & extending your bent leg to come into Staff Pose. with a deeper heart-opening twist) or with Side Plank Pose. Benefits: stretches the muscles of the extended arm, the upper side of the abdomen, back, chest, & shoulders

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