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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)šŸ¦øšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

    supta (reclined) + vira (hero) + asana (pose) One of our absolute favourite poses, Supta Virasana is an intermediate variation of HeroĀ“s Pose (a kneeling pose with an internal hip rotation), which further Hero, Cobra Pose, Fish Pose all help to warm up your body, while Kneeling Cat Cows, ChildĀ“s (regular or Extended), & Camel Pose (even a modified version) will help relax you afterwards. If your ankles need extra padding, place a blanket underneath them before entering the pose. ā€‹ā€‹

  • Half Frog Pose (Ardha Bhekasana)šŸø

    ardha (half) + bheka (frog) + asana (pose) There are days when we feel more like a tadpole than a full-on Because itĀ“s an asymmetric pose, only 1 leg is bent at a time which makes this pose more accessible to ItĀ“s imperative that you warm up with Cobra Pose, Sphinx, Locust, &/or Crocodile Pose, & then reward yourself afterwards with the same poses, with maybe Extended or traditional ChildĀ“s Pose tossed in for like Frog & Bow Pose.

  • Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)

    uttana (intense stretch)+Ā asana (pose) Ahhhhhhh, Uttasana - what can we say about this Beginner-friendly look easy-peasy, but if you have limited range of motion in your hips, pelvis, knees, & spine, this pose ItĀ“s frequently incorporated into a vinyasa series with Mountain Pose & Standing Half Forward Fold, but Where you place your hands is up to you; in the full expression of the pose, your hands will be behind Your body needs to be warm to express this pose, & Chair Pose, Mountain Pose with a Backbend, & Down

  • Elephant's Trunk Pose (Eka Hasta Bhujasana) šŸ˜

    weekly asana was a no brainer: Elephant Trunk Pose. it more challenging, is an asymmetrical pose to boot (i.e., not mirror-symmetric for both sides of the Shoulder Press Pose, &/or Crow Pose. Afterwards, spend some time in Bridge Pose, Head-to-Knee Pose, &/or CobblerĀ“s Pose. Props: You can place your hands on blocks to give yourself more elevation, or under the heel of your extended

  • Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)šŸ¦Ž

    ut (intense) + tan (stretch) + pristha (back of the body) + asana (pose) For those of us in need of a stretch to open our hips, Lizard Pose is there to help. except here we rest on our forearms), Cradle, & Pyramid Pose will open up your hips. Conversely, Down Dog, Half Pigeon, & Garland Pose will help start your body to relax. Avoid or modify Lizard Pose if you: have an ankle, knee, hip, or back injury suffer from weak forearms

  • Cat Cow Pose (Bitilasana Barjaryasana)

    bitila (cow) + marjari (cat) + asana (pose) Cat Cow? Cow Cat? And if weĀ“re being pedantic, when expressed together, cat cow (or cow cat) isnĀ“t so much a pose as a vinyasa in which we move from one to the other with our bodies & breath - although the poses can be expressed From Tabletop, move your pelvis first as you transition from one pose to the other, & maintain a drishti A good rule of thumb is to hold each pose for 15-30 seconds, but you may wish to lengthen or shorten

  • Standing Splits Pose (Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana)

    urdhva (raised) + prasita (expanded) + eka (one) + pada (foot) + asana (pose) ItĀ“s dreaded inversion In spite of the fact that one leg is raised, this inversion is a rooting pose that will help you feel - warm up with Standing or Wide-legged Forward Folds or Head to Knee Pose before entering the pose from Mountain Pose. energy equally into both legs & being mindful of how each side feels.

  • Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) āš”ļø

    vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose) Virabhadrasana 2, part of the Warrior Family, is an iconic standing pose that even non-yogis know by sight. Warm up your body with some lunges: Half Moon Pose, High or Runner's Lunge, & perhaps Wide-Legged Forward Afterwards, show your body some love with Side Lunge, Goddess, or Garland Pose, or flow into Reversed your ankle, moving toward the pinkie toe side of your foot.

  • Reclining Figure 4 / Reverse Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

    If thatĀ“s not accessible to you, extend that supporting leg along your mat, placing the ankle of your Pose! &/or Bridge Pose. Pose. or extended outwards like in a supine twist. ā€‹

  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) šŸŒ‰

    setu (bridge) + bandha (lock) + sarva (all) + anga (limb) + asana (pose) Bridge Pose, an iconic inverted pose (itĀ“s just awesome for your lower back). pose. Pregnant women should enter this pose from their sides & slowly roll into it. Avoid or modify Bridge Pose if you: have suffered back, neck, shoulder, ankle, or spinal sprains/injuries

  • ā€‹Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) šŸ 

    Bow Pose & Sage Twist Pose are excellent prep poses to warm up your chest & shoulders, while both Cobbler Ā“s & Head-to-Knee Pose are equally excellent aprĆØs-fish. Whether you modify this pose or not, incorporate it into your practice for the sheer joy of the pose Additionally, you can keep your right leg extended if you cannot comfortably tuck it beneath you. You can also express this pose while sitting in a chair.

  • Upward-Facing Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) šŸ©

    urdhva (up) + mukha (face) + svana (dog) + asana (pose) Yogis, like mothers, arenĀ“t supposed to play of mine - & not because our border collie (& cats, to be fair) were/are daily practitioners of the pose Remember to reward yourself afterwards with some Locust Pose, Down Dog, & ChildĀ“s Pose - traditional or Extended. Distributing your weight evenly is the key to this pose. ā€‹

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