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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Noose Pose (Pasasana) 🪢

    pasa (noose) + asana (pose) Perhaps not the cheeriest of names, nonetheless, Noose Pose (just think of It´s important to note that this is a pose that should be approached slowly.  Squats, balancing poses, & twists should be integrated into your practice well before you even think , Cobbler´s Pose, &/or Cow Face Pose. Even if expressing this pose isn´t physically difficult (lucky you!)

  • Chair Pose (Utkatasana)🪑

    Pose´s sanskrit name is Fierce or Powerful Pose because it vigorously strengthens the muscles of the pose, so prepare with Tree Pose, Down Dog, &/or some Standing Forward Folds. The same poses will help your body relax, although you can add Garland Pose or some Chair modifications , placing an ankle on the supporting thigh (One-Legged Chair Pose), or adding a twist (easy or more intense Avoid or modify Chair Pose if you: have weak knees or chronic knee problems have had ankle, knee, hip

  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana) 🌳

    vrksa (tree) + asana (pose) Not unlike Mountain Pose, Tree Pose helps us feel rooted to the earth as This classic Beginner-friendly standing pose helps us to achieve that tricky balance between strength Tree pose allows us to explore our connection with our body - where is our raised foot? will help us prepare for more challenging poses like Eagle Pose. Consider preparing for the pose with Mountain, Warrior 3, &/or Chair Pose, & follow your Tree up with

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana) ⛰️

    tada (mountain) + asana (pose) Also known as Samasthiti (sama= upright/sthiti = stand) Tadasana - a relatively modern pose - isn´t as old as the mountains. The beauty of Mountain is its innate multi-purposeness: it´s a transitional pose from which we initiate standing/bending poses, it´s a mindful pose to improve our posture, it´s a resting pose for both body This full body grounding pose has a host of variations: we can express the pose with different mudras

  • Eagle Pose (Garudasana) 🦅

    garuda (eagle) + asana (pose) Eagle Pose is a challenging standing pose that requires a lot of focus Your Eagle isn´t going to fly without some preparation, so spend some time in Chair Pose, Cobbler´s Pose , Standing Reverse Prayer, Cow Face Pose & One Legged Mountain Pose beforehand. Be kind to your hips & shoulder joints afterwards with Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose, Down-Dog Pose, Palm Tree Pose, & Garland Pose.

  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 🐍

    bhujanga (cobra / snake) + asana (pose) Those of us sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car all day Cobra pose is a deliciousssssssssss heart-opening back bend that not only opens the heart, but also stretches A lot of us encounter Cobra as part of our Sun Salutations, so as a stand alone pose, consider prepping with either Cat/Cow, Plank, Locust or Sphinx poses. , Downdog, Half Lord of the Fishes, or Happy Baby pose to counter your back bend.

  • Cat Pose (Marjariasana) 🐈

    marjari (cat) + asana (pose) Cat Pose is a fabulous stretch that benefits so many parts of your body (not just your back), but it´s also a stabilization pose - truly, it´s the cat´s meow among asanas. Cat Pose warms the body, bringing much needed flexibility to the spine, (by improving circulation to Cat is frequently partnered with Cow Pose to create the über stretchy & aptly named Cat Cow Pose - a This is a great pose to neutralize the spine before or in between heart opening poses.

  • Locust/Grasshopper Pose (Salabhasana) 🦗

    salabha (locust/grasshopper) + asana (pose) It may be one of the more accessible backbends, but don´t While beginner-friendly, you can raise it a notch by extending your arms in front of your body or by Remember, this is a dynamic pose, so don´t just lie there! your Locust up with Puppy Pose, Crocodile Pose, or a well-earned Child´s Pose. Half Locust Pose.

  • Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)🐮

    go (cow) + mukha (face) + asana (pose) Gomooooooooookhasana! Okay, so where´s the cow? You´ll probably feel a noticeable difference in your hips & shoulders when expressing this pose, so & Afterwards, spend some time in Seated Forward Fold, Staff Pose, &/or Head-to-Knee Pose. Cow Face Pose allows you to listen to your body, to explore its symmetry by how it feels: is 1 side more open or more tight than the other side?

  • Scale Pose (Tolasana or Tulasana)⚖️

    tola (scale) or tula (balance) + asana (pose) Whether you call this Scale, Balance, or Elevated Lotus Prepare for this pose with Boat or Half/Full Lotus; in fact, many yogis enter the pose from Half Boat , then to Staff Pose, & then finally to Lotus Pose. other side), but most importantly, listen to your body. Pose, &/or Easy Pose.

  • Wind Release Pose (Pawanmuktasana) 💨

    pawana (wind) + mukta (release) + asana (pose) Sometimes referred to as Apanasana ("downward-moving life Prepare with Happy Baby & Bridge Pose, or some Supine Spinal Twists. Afterwards, relax in Bound Cobbler´s Pose, Fish Pose, or Corpse Pose. There are an estimated 50+ variations of wind pose (you can raise 1 knee at a time, or have your knees on either side of your chest - to name but a few), but whichever variation opens that valve for you,

  • Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)

    parivrtta (revolved) + janu (knee) + sirsa (head) + asana (pose) Revolved Head-to-Knee pose is a delicious or if you can go deeper, grab the big toe of your extended leg with your peace-sign fingers (yogi toe-lock Pose, Seated Forward Folds, &/or a revolved variation of Staff or Heron Pose. Counteract this twisty fold with time spent in these very same poses. Remember to stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds, then change sides & repeat.

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