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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Kapotasana)

    ardha (half) + kapota (pigeon) + asana (pose) Do you feed pigeons or shoo them away? DonĀ“t push yourself: itĀ“s still Pigeon Pose if your bent leg is tucked close to your body! , Reclining Figure 4, Cradle & Fire Log Pose. Afterwards, relax with Extended Child's Pose, Reclining Hero or Happy Baby Pose for some welcoming counterposes Keep the hips square while balancing the body on the hip of the bent-knee side.

  • Mermaid Pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapota) šŸ§œšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

    ; in fact, enter & exit the pose carefully via Down Dog. After repeating the pose on the other side (same number of breaths!) , luxuriate in Reclining HeroĀ“s Pose or Extended ChildĀ“s Pose. shoulders increases the flexibility & mobility of the hips opens the chest & stretches the frontal & side parallel to the front edge of your mat, but if your hips are tight, youĀ“ll find that your front shin might angle

  • Sage Twist Pose A (Marichyasana)

    marichi (ray of light) + asana (pose) Marichyasana A (or "1" if you prefer) is an asymmetrical, seated pose that requires (but also increases) our flexibility &, as such, is considered an intermediate-level pose. of the Fishes Pose, while afterwards, Bridge & Wind Release Pose ā€‹both provide excellent counterposes Remember to repeat on the other side.

  • Humble Warrior Pose (Baddha Virabhadrasana)

    baddha (locked) + vira (warrior) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose) Like parents, yogis *really* shouldn Ā“t have a favourite child (or pose), but if I were allowed, Humble Warrior would definitely be in my Your body needs to be warmed up beforehand so spend some time in High or Crescent Lunge & Extended Side Angle - or any of the Warriors. Warrior 2 & Starfish are fabby poses to follow up with.

  • Half Monkey Pose (Ardha Hanumanasana) šŸ’

    ardha (half) + hanuman (the Monkey God) + asana (pose) You could call this Half Split Pose, but why would Consider warming up your hips & hamstrings with Crescent Lunge, CobblerĀ“s Pose, Lizard Pose, & Gorilla Pose. Dog, & a Standing Forward Fold before expressing this pose on the other side. Props: if you need a little extra height, place your fingertips on blocks on either side of your extended

  • Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)

    vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose) Yogis who follow us will notice that we talked about Warrior Regardless, prepare for W1 with Garland Pose, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, or any manner of lunges, like It may be easier to enter the pose directly from Mountain Pose, Crescent Lunge, or Down Dog. Alternatively, you can extend your arms behind you & clasp your hands; this provides a wonderful transition feel wobbly, you can create a more stable base by inching your front foot a little farther out to the side

  • ā€‹Turtle / Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana) šŸ¢

    This is an intermediate pose, so yogis of all abilities should prepare with other stretching poses (Seated Forward Fold & Bow Pose, for example), & are well advised to incorporate the pose into the middle of Consider following your Turtle up with Staff &/or Bridge Pose or even Dolphin Pose. Remember: Like Frog Pose, coming out of Turtle Pose requires nearly as much care & attention as getting Also remember: if you canā€™t get your chin to the ground &/or extend your legs, modify with your head

  • Balancing Bear Pose (Merudandasana) šŸ»

    merudanda (spine) + asana (pose) Admittedly a pose that might make your grandmother blush, Balancing Bear Pose is a playful intermediate-level balancing seated pose that's also a great inner thigh & spine A fabulous prep pose for Boat & Seated Straddle Poses, keep your back straight & torso extended, look You need to warm up your body beforehand, so spend some time in Both Big Toe Pose & Cobbler's Pose, & remember to relax your body afterwards with Staff Pose, Bridge, & Seated Forward Fold.

  • Witch on a Broomstick Pose (utthan pristhasana) šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹

    The notable difference is that your hands arenĀ“t planted on either side of your foot but are rather extended Naturally, Lizard Pose will help prepare you for this variation, as will Bound Angle Pose, RunnerĀ“s Lunge the other side. Follow-up poses include Head-to-Knee Fold, Pyramid Pose, & Half Pigeon Pose. Avoid or modify Witch on a Broom Pose if you: have an ankle, knee, hip, or back injury are recovering

  • Dancer Pose (Natarajasana) šŸ©°

    Pose. YouĀ“ll need to warm your body up before hand, perhaps with Half Pigeon, Bow Pose, Locust Pose, &/or Reclining Hero Pose. After expressing the pose equally on "both sides", give your shoulders, back, & legs a giant ahhhhhhhhhh ItĀ“s important to keep your hips as square as possible so that your bent leg is extending back, not out

  • Archer's/Shooting Bow Pose (Akarna Dhanurasana)šŸ¹

    After youĀ“ve expressed the pose equally on both sides, relax in Head-to-Knee Pose, CobblerĀ“s Pose, & modified Cradle Pose (has a straight extended leg). When releasing out of the pose, slowly lower the bent leg to the mat, extending both legs as in Staff Pose. ā€‹ Modify or avoid ArcherĀ“s Pose if you have exceptionally tight hamstrings have had recent hip, ankle,

  • Puppy Poseā€‹ (Uttana Shishosana)šŸ•

    ut (intense) + tan (stretch) + shisho (puppy) + asana (pose) Downward Dog & Extended Childā€™s PoseĀ“s lovechild muscles - is often calling Melting Heart Pose because it encourages our hearts to melt toward our mat then enter from Tabletop Pose. Hold for about 5-10 breaths, & then counter with Cobra &/or Crocodile Poses. Always be mindful exiting the pose because you may get dizzy - take your time!

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