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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)🛥️

    paripurna (complete/full) + nava (boat) + asana (pose) Boat Pose is a classic seated pose that strengthens This amazing pose stretches your body from your hips to the tips of the toes. while Seated Forward Fold, Bridge, & Wind Release Pose will help relax your body after your excellent arms can extend. Avoid or modify Boat Pose if you suffer: Have Low Blood Pressure suffer from asthma have diarrhea experience

  • Fire Log Pose (Agnistambhasana) 🔥

    Log Pose. How is it possible that 1 side can be so different from the other?!! ., Supine Figure 4 & Firelog Variation with 1 extended straight leg) make this pose more accessible to Pose. Breathe evenly & deeply, holding the pose for a minute or 2 on each side.

  • Bird of Paradise Pose (Svarga Dvijasana)

    for this pose - poses like bound Lizard Pose, Triangle Pose, Garland Pose, Standing or Reclining Leg Afterwards, relax your body in Eagle Pose, Runner´s Lunge, & any variation of a Wide-legged Forward Fold Remember: take your time & prepare for this pose with lunges, revolved poses, & other balancing poses extended leg. Your leg can be extended straight forward or out to the side, whichever works best for you.

  • Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana) 🌛

    anjani (salutation/praise) + asana (pose) Crescent Lunge is a dynamic standing pose that integrates, If it´s available to you, raise & extend your torso & arms. Monkey Pose. After practising equally on both sides, reward your body with time spent in any Low Lunge you´d like, Down Dog, Table Top Pose, &/or Standing Forward Fold.

  • Starfish Pose (Utthita Tadasana)⭐

    utthita (extended ) + tada (mountain) + asana (pose) Everyone loves Starfish pose! between Goddess Pose, Warrior 2 (& friends), & Triangle Pose. Prepare your Starfish with Garland Pose & Wide-Legged Forward Fold D & its revolved counterpart, & then Standing poses like Starfish prepare the body for more challenging balancing poses like Tree Pose, Bird Avoid or modify Starfish Pose if you: have injured your hip joints, ankles, or if your shoulders give

  • Plough/Plow Pose (Halasana)

    hala (plough) + asana (pose) We´re head-over-heels in love with Plough/Plow Pose - another yoga trifecta Plough Pose is a restorative pose & an excellent counterpose to forward bends, *but* remember that it ´s an intermediate pose. &/or Reclining Cobbler's Pose, & then ultimately Corpse Pose is just the ticket. your mat to moderate your descent & rest on your side for a few moments before slowly sitting up.

  • Lotus Pose (Padmasana)🪷

    padma (lotus) + asana (pose) Lotus Pose is hands down yoga's most universally recognized asana. Make sure you really warm your hips up beforehand in Half Lotus, Cobbler´s Pose, Cradle Pose, Standing or Reclining Figure 4 Pose, or Easy Pose. come out of it, & then repeat on the other side. Avoid or Modify Lotus Pose if you experience pain in your hips, knees, or ankles suffer from sciatica

  • Lion Pose (Simhasana) 🦁

    simha (lion) + asana (pose) This Beginner-Friendly pose is a roaring success for those of us who want want but you need to change the crossing of your legs & repeat the same number of roars on the "other" side You can warm your body up with Easy Pose & a Toe Squat, & then follow your Lion by relaxing in Child´ s Pose or Cobbler´s Pose. ​ Avoid or modify Lion Pose if you: have had recent or chronic injury to the knees (try this on a chair

  • Dolphin Pose (Catur Svanasana)🐬

    catur (4) + svana (dog) + asana (pose) Also known as Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, Dolphin Pose is a super It also challenges the intermediate yogi because there´s less space for extension through the armpits Extended Child´s Pose & Puppy Pose are fabby prep poses, while spending some time in Child´s Pose afterwards Try to push the floor away with your forearms so that your shoulders & hips extend away from your elbows Avoid or Modify Dolphin Pose if you: have had any recent or current shoulder, back, arm, or neck injuries

  • Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

    salamba (supported) + bhujanga (cobra) + asana (pose) So what´s the Mystery of the Sphinx? Needless to say, it´s also an excellent prep pose for deeper backbends. Puppy & Crocodile Poses prepare the body for Sphinx while Cobra and Locust poses make excellent follow-up Props: A towel rolled into a crescent shape with the horns of the crescent under the sides of your belly You can also use a pillow/bolster under your arms to deepen the pose.

  • Corpse Pose (Savasana) ⚰️

    sava (corpse) + asana (pose) After "om" & "namaste", the next word in every beginner yogi´s lexicon is And while it seems like a simple pose that we all do to wrap up a practice, for many of us (I'm raising my hand here), Corpse Pose can be an incredibly difficult pose: lying on the mat, doing "nothing" is This is why it´s considered "active relaxation", a restorative pose extraordinaire. Heavily pregnant yogis may wish to place a bolster, rolled blanket, or pillow under their right side

  • Horse Pose (Vatayanasana) 🐎

    vataya (horse) + asana (pose) Horse Pose is a bit of a mishmash of several poses: it´s a kneeling, standing , *&* balancing pose. After expressing the pose on both sides, relax your body in Gate Pose, Revolved Triangle, &/or Child´ s Pose. as a base pose & experimenting from there.

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