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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Tiger Pose (Vyaghrasana) 🐅

    vyaghra (tiger) + asana (pose) Tiger Pose is a Beginner-level core-strengthening pose that will hone Ensure that you´ve warmed up your shoulders, hips, & spine with some Cat Cows, & Locust &/or Cobra Pose & then follow up with rounds of Tiger Pose/Table Top/Knee-to-Nose, & then Down Dog, & Child´s Pose. with alternating limbs extended or with a clasped raised bent (Tiger Pose Variation 1) leg, you´ll earn Remember: to engage your thighs for added stability & to arch your back as if you were in Cow Pose.

  • Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)🌓

    ardha (half) + chandra (moon) + asana (pose) Half Moon Pose is a challenging intermediate-level balancing pose that engages the opposing sides of the body, our male & femaleness, while stretching & strengthening You can warm up your body with Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle, or Triangle Pose, & then follow up with pose. Keep a slight bend in your standing leg so you don’t hyper extend your knee.

  • Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

    parsva (side) + ut (intense) + tan (stretch) + asana (pose) Looking to unlock the secrets of the Great - well it couldn´t be simpler: Pyramid Pose is a deep forward fold that will help lengthen your spine As you find your groove with the pose, try raising your hands off the mat. You´ll find that both Tree Pose & Wide-Legged Forward Fold are fabulous prep while Half Moon & 3-Legged Also, if you´re new to this pose, don´t take too wide a stance - bringing your feet closer together will

  • Staff Pose (Dandasana) 📏

    danda (staff/stick) + asana (pose) A “foundation pose extraordinaire”, Staff Pose is a Beginner-friendly Don´t stress it though: like other grounding poses, Mountain Pose for example, Staff Pose is ultimately a calming pose for the body & mind. Yogis can lie flat on their backs with limbs extended upwards, or in the traditional expression but with Additionally, yogis can lift one leg at a time or rotate the arms to the side into a twist.

  • Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana) 🐰

    sasaka (rabbit) + asana (pose) It´s that time of the year again when our thoughts turn to bunnies (& Puppy Dog Pose, & of course Extended Child´s Pose. Afterwards, Hero Pose (consider coming into this pose first), Seated Forward Fold, Head-to-Knee Pose &/or Child´s Pose & then finally Corpse Pose will relax your poor ol´ back. - slowly begin to rise on an inhalation with your head lifting up last, coming to Hero Pose.

  • Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)

    utkata (fierce/proud) + kona (angle) + asana (pose) Utkata Konasana is a beginner-friendly powerful standing pose: the lower body is in a wide-legged pliÊ-squat (more about that below) & the arms are raised to Goddess Pose should be eased into as it requires open hips - you can experiment with your body by gently You still need to warm up though, & Garland, Cobbler´s, & Chair Pose are all great prep poses. Follow up with Wide-Legged Forward Fold or Garland Pose to help relax the body.

  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana)🐠

    matsya (fish) + asana (pose) The origin of this supine pose can be found in Hindu mythology, & is an & Wind Release Pose should do the trick. Afterwards, relax your body with some Supine Spinal Twists, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, or go directly into Corpse Pose. Remember to hold the pose for at least 5 breaths lest you feel like a fish out of water!

  • Gorilla Pose (Padahastasana) 🦍

    pada (foot) + hasta (hand) + asana (pose) Gorilla, or "hand to foot pose", brings opposites together Warm up before hand with Palm Tree Pose, Rag Doll Pose, Half Standing Forward Bend, &/or Extended Mountain Pose/Backbend. Seemingly "simple" poses like our Gorilla are often overlooked by yogis, but this is a fabulous pose If you can express this pose with straight legs, try bringing your weight to your toes.

  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) 🏹

    dhanura (bow) + asana (pose) This is the *it girl* of poses for those of us stuck behind a desk all day Consider warming up the spine with Crocodile, Cobra, or Boat Pose, & then relaxing in Rabbit, Down Dog , or Puppy Pose. And most importantly: don't hold your breath in Bow Pose! ​​ If reaching your ankles is a challenge, you can also use a yoga strap around your ankles to help extend

  • Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)🐊

    , & perhaps even Locust Pose. before tackling your crocodile, restorative pose though it may be. Fabby poses to counter your crocodile include Child´s Pose, Extended Child´s Pose, & then ultimately Corpse Pose. our favourite amphibian, Frog Pose, full or Half. Also, don´t enter this pose from plank - or enter it too quickly!

  • Frog Pose (Mandukasana) 🐸

    manduka (frog) + asana (pose) Sometimes called "downward frog", Frog Pose is an intense hip-opener & Half Frog - a one-legged variation (1 leg bent, 1 leg straight) - or even Extended Child´s Pose both in Child´s or Crocodile Pose. Listen to your body: if the pose is causing you pain - stop! Avoid or modify Frog Pose if you: ​are pregnant are a senior: best to avoid this pose altogether have

  • Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

    Baby Pose! This restorative pose is often incorporated into a vinyasa, but can also be used as the penultimate pose directly into Corpse Pose as many of us do - you can relax in Reclining Cobbler´s, Wind Release Pose pose, or you can move/gently kick your legs (like babies do), or rock side to side for a gentle spine a 90º angle. ​

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