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103 items found for "Extended Side Angle Pose"

  • Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose D (Prasarita Padottanasana)

    Because Wide Legged Forward Fold is a foundation pose, you need to think from the feet up! Forward Fold family (especially Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose with Down Dog Arms). Consider following up with a twist - Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Extended Triangle, &/or Starfish Pose. Avoid or Modify Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose if you: suffer from any hip, knee, ankle, arm, shoulder

  • Half Circle Pose (Ardha Mandalasana)

    ardha (half) + mandala (circle / universe) + asana (pose) We continually remind our yogis that side ( A kissing cousin of Gate Pose, Half Circle Pose is a Beginner-Friendly balancing side bend that engages Head-to-Knee is a great prep pose as are gentler supported variations of Half Moon, Side Plank & Gate Balance is the key here, so remember to hold the pose (up to 1 minute) equally on each side. Try to activate your quads & point the toes of your extended leg, & press the top of the foot of your

  • Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

    Sukhasana is a grounding hip-opening spine-stretching seated posture that's, well, easy to maintain for extended pose between more dynamic postures. You can open up your hips beforehand in Extended Child´s Pose & Head-to-Knee Pose, & afterwards maybe If you do enter forward or side bends from Sukhasana, remember to switch your front & back leg so that your hips can truly benefit from the bend - & note how different each side feels.

  • Child's Pose (Balasana)

    bala (child) + asana (pose) Reminding us all that non-action & non-doing are as necessary as action & doing, this foundation pose is a fabulous restorative pose, often used as a "resting position" in between more difficult poses or as a counterpose to challenging backbends. Traditionally, arms are at your side (palms up), but if it´s available to you, with Extended Child´s Pose you have the option of laying your your belly to rest on the mat between your thighs, arms extended

  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana) 🐪

    ustra (camel) + asana (pose) Camel pose is a super stretchy back-bendy heart opener that targets, among back), & likewise, releasing from the pose 1 side at a time. , Extended Child´s Pose, &/or Bridge Pose. Cobbler´s or Happy Baby Pose. In fact, your thighs should be at a right angle to the floor, hips over knees.

  • Cradle Pose (Hindolasana)

    swinging cradle (hindola) + asana (pose) Also known as Hammock Pose, Cradle is an amazing, beginner-friendly in its own right, & it´s also a fabulous prep pose for more advanced poses like Compass, Lotus, Pigeon nestled in the elbow crease of the opposite arm & the bent knee will rest on the elbow crease of the same-side Pose. - as you express the pose, imagine a long line of energy extending from your pelvis right up to the top

  • Crow Pose (Kakasana)

    kaka (crow) + asana (pose) How awesome is the name Kakasana? Often mistakenly referred to as Bakasana (crane pose), this gravity-defying balancing pose can be a challenge Warm up beforehand with Garland Pose, (traditional, Bound, or Revolved), Chair Pose, & Toe Squats. Afterwards, relax your body in Child´s Pose, traditional or Extended, Cobbler's Pose, &/or Standing Forward Also, don´t let your elbows splay out to either side, rather keep them in line with your shoulders &

  • Garland Pose (Malasana)

    mala (garland/necklace) + asana (pose) Bunged up? Stiff & creaky? Consider warming up with Both Big Toe Pose, Balancing Bear Pose, & rounds of Seated Cat Cows. When releasing from the pose, come into Staff Pose & then maybe release the hips & spine with Standing Forward Bend or even Gorilla Pose. Avoid or modify Garland Pose if you: have sustained any shoulder, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, or pelvic

  • Heron pose (Krounchasana )

    krounch (heron) + asana (pose) Prop Time! Forward Fold & Staff Pose. This pose is an excellent prep pose for more challenging asanas like Compass Pose. Remember: when expressed correctly, your spine should be nice & straight, your elbows should be fully extended If you have knee or ankle issues (not super serious), rather than entering the pose through Half Hero

  • Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)

    + asana (pose) Tabletop (it truly should've been called Keep-Your-Neck-in-Line-With-Your-Spine Pose) Poses frequently used in sequencing. You can prep your body beforehand with traditional Child´s Pose or Extended, & relax afterwards with the same poses. , Thread the Needle, Cat-Cow, Tiger Pose, Knee to Nose, Down Dog, & Puppy Pose - to name but a few.

  • Head-to-Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

    knee of your extended leg. Many yogis will warm up with Seated Forward Fold, Cobbler's Pose & Seated Straddle Pose before entering it from Staff Pose. Follow your fold up with Half Circle Pose, various Seated Twists, &/or Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose. Remember: don´t enter this pose by rounding your back over your extended leg; on an exhalation bend at

  • Hero Pose (Virasana) 🦸🏾‍♂️

    each other (pressed into extreme flexion), & your heels will be touching the outer side of your upper Warm up your legs with Camel´s Pose, Extended Child´s Pose, or Cobbler´s Pose, or even with some Toe There are many variations to this pose including Half Hero (one leg is extended at a time) or Half Thunderbolt where the "extended" leg is bent & the sole of that foot rests on your mat. Modify or avoid Hero Pose if you have knee or ankle pain have sustained any hip injuries have really

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