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Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose D (Prasarita Padottanasana)

prasarita (separated) + pada (feet) + uttana (intense stretching) + asana (pose)

Prasarita Padottanasana is a veritable alphabet soup of poses, running from A to D, but whichever variation of this lower back pose you opt for, be super mindful of your feet. Because Wide Legged Forward Fold is a foundation pose, you need to think from the feet up! You do this by actively pressing into all 4 corners of your feet while lifting your inner & outer arches. There are several variations to this Beginner-level fold, not least of all Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold - another favourite of ours. Just make sure that your body is sufficiently warm beforehand by practising - for example - Goddess, Garland, or any of the other members from the Wide-Legged Forward Fold family (especially Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose with Down Dog Arms). Consider following up with a twist - Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Extended Triangle, &/or Starfish Pose. One of the grooviest things about this asana is that it can substitute for a headstand for those with neck issues, & how awesome is that?!!!


  • stretches the back & inside of the legs

  • strengthens the feet & ankles

  • opens the hips

  • stretches the spine, shoulders, & chest

  • calms the mind

  • eases tension in the beck, shoulders, & upper back

  • helps relieve mild backaches

  • tones the abs & abdominal organs

  • hydrates the spinal discs

  • invigorates the brain.

Remember: fold from the hips! Keep your kneecaps lifted, your elbows out to the side, & your shoulders away from your ears. You´ll find that your feet will be naturally a bit pigeon-toed, & that´s 100% normal.

Props: If you´ve got less mobility in your shoulders, use a yoga belt & work your way towards bringing your hands closer together until eventually, with time, you may clasp your hands. Additionally, you can rest your hands or the crown of your head on yoga blocks if bending at the waist is tricky &/or your hands can´t reach the mat. Feel free to bend your knees if you feel any tightness in your low back or the back of your legs.

Avoid or Modify Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose if you:

  • suffer from any hip, knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, neck, or back injuries

  • suffer from arthritis of the knees, hips, or arms & shoulders

  • suffer from fibromyalgia

  • are still recovering from the following surgeries: knees, hips, ankles, wrists, &/or internal organs

  • have High Blood Pressure

  • have recently suffered a stroke

  • suffer from esophageal reflex / GERD.


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