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Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) ⚔️

vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose)

Of the 3 Warrior poses, Warrior III is rightfully considered the most demanding as this horizontal positioning of the torso throws the inner ear (& hence the brain) into disarray, making it believe that the body is misaligned. This standing/balancing pose strengthens the core (in fact, the entire body) & requires energy, patience, confidence, & focus in order to express it. If Virabhadrasana III proves too challenging for you, there are variations to make it more accessible (yes! you can keep the toes of your "lifted" leg on the mat), or props to get you where you need to be. We learn how to adjust our position in space with balancing poses such as Warrior III (*especially* W3 as our gaze is downward), & so our sense of body & spatial awareness is heightened. Along with Warrior I & Warrior II, warm up with Half Moon & Palm Tree Pose. Consider entering this pose from Mountain & then move into a High Lunge rather than directly from Warrior I. You may have to come in & out of the pose several times before you finally lift off. High Lunge, Standing Half Forward Fold, Down Dog, & Dolphin Pose will all help to relax you after your excellent effort in W3. You can keep your arms straight ahead or back in "airplane arms", or even bring them into prayer/anjali mudra. With this & every pose, remember be kind & forgiving to yourself—if you wobble & fall out, go right back in like the warrior you are!


  • strengthens & tone leg muscles, arms, hips & shoulders

  • strengthens the small stabilizing muscles of the feet & ankles

  • creates stability in the entire body

  • improves posture & your standing position (we put a lot of weight on our heels & ankles while standing)

  • contracts & tones the abdominal organs, improving digestion

  • helps to build confidence & hone our ability to concentrate.

Remember: engage your core for stability as this will help keep your chest lifted & help you maintain balance. Always keep a microbend in your knee, & make sure that your hips are level, & that your lifted leg is active & engaged. Your feet are the key to this pose, so ensure that you´re grounding evenly & firmly through them.

Props: if balance is an issue for you, try this pose with your lifted leg or your hands actively pushing against a wall. Placing your hands on yoga blocks or the back of a chair will help ground & steady you too. You can even drape a blanket over the back of a chair, & lay your inclining torso over the back for added support.


Modify or avoid Warrior III Pose if you

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure

  • recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

  • heavily pregnant

  • are prone to migraines, especially from looking down

  • suffer from spondylitis (inflammation of the joints & ligaments of the spine).


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