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Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) ⚔️

vira (hero) + bhadra (friend) + asana (pose)

Virabhadrasana 2, part of the Warrior Family, is an iconic standing pose that even non-yogis know by sight. It´s one of those rare poses that strengthens & grounds you while opening & lengthening your body at the same time. This can be a challenging pose for many yogis & relatively simple for others: this is the joy of us having different body types. There are several factors that we need to be mindful of, namely the placement of the feet (imagine an invisible line moving from the heel of your front foot to the heel of your back foot), the orientation of the bent knee, & even the alignment of the arms. Keeping the core strong is essential, & drawing your tailbone downwards & your shoulders back will keep the lower back long & prevent your ribs from flaring. This isn´t a reaching pose - instead of moving forward toward that (hopefully imaginary) glass of wine or donut in front of you, you´ll move downwards! Warm up your body with some lunges: Half Moon Pose, High or Runner's Lunge, & perhaps Wide-Legged Forward Fold D - just for example. Afterwards, show your body some love with Side Lunge, Goddess, or Garland Pose, or flow into Reversed Warrior or Warrior 1. There are tons of variations & modifications available to the aspiring warrior, but whichever one you choose will help you to channel the power of the courageous warrior within.


  • opens the hips & shoulders

  • stretches the inner thighs, groin, chest, arms & shoulders, increasing circulation flow

  • strengthens the legs (hamstrings!), abs (core muscles), & arms

  • helps to build strength & mobility in your hips, ankles, & core

  • improves lower body strength & endurance

  • improves balance & stability

  • increases mental focus & concentration

  • opens up the lungs for better breathing

  • useful for office workers to combat the negative effects of sitting

  • reduces the chance of injury for athletes.

Remember: don’t let your front knee move in front of your ankle; in fact, it should be directly over your ankle, moving toward the pinkie toe side of your foot. This isn´t a backbend so your back shouldn´t be arched! Keep your knee stacked directly over the center of your ankle. Don´t hyperextend & lock the knee of your back leg! The crown of your head should lengthen upwards so there´s a line of energy from the top of your head to your tailbone.

Props: You can use a chair or the wall for additional stability. If you try this pose against the wall, place a yoga block between it & your shin for added stability.

Avoid or modify Warrior 2 Pose if you:

  • have a hamstring or groin tear or injury

  • have a hip injury or have had a hip replacement or any discomfort in your hips, knees, ankles, or feet

  • are experiencing excessive back or shoulder pain

  • have high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases

  • have severe balancing issues, like vertigo

  • are less mobile, start a little wider than hip’s width apart & turn your toes slightly in toward each other.


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