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Archived asanas

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Tree Pose (Vrksasana) 🌳

vrksa (tree) + asana (pose)

Not unlike Mountain Pose, Tree Pose helps us feel rooted to the earth as we reach reach reach for the sky. This classic Beginner-friendly standing pose helps us to achieve that tricky balance between strength & suppleness, just like a tree whose branches move with the wind. Tree pose allows us to explore our connection with our body - where is our raised foot? Toes on the floor? Sole against our ankle or calf muscle? Tucked into the groin? And what about our arms? Are they skybound like branches? Pressed together in front of our chest in prayer or raised in yoga mudra? So many possibilities & so many sensations that assist us on the road to self-realization. The external rotation of the hips, the extension of the knee, & the upward rotation of the shoulders will help us prepare for more challenging poses like Eagle Pose. Consider preparing for the pose with Mountain, Warrior 3, &/or Chair Pose, & follow your Tree up with Mountain, any series of Standing Forward Bends, & perhaps a Down Dog. For many yogis, Tree is a standing meditative pose in which we can unite ourselves - our tree - with all of creation. When coming out of Vrksasana, a fully grounded stretchy Mountain Pose makes an excellent counterpose.


  • opens the hips

  • strengthens & stabilizes the ankles, thighs, & calves

  • stretches & strengthens the hips, back, core, arms, & shoulders

  • helps with joint mobility

  • helps improve posture

  • creates inner peace & balance

  • energizes & de-stresses.

Remember: Find a drishti (focal) point to assist with your balancing!!! Don´t hunch! - it´s a common error to not open your hips fully, but by opening your hips, you´ll be able to balance better.

Props: if you´re a bit wobbly, stand against a wall for added support, or place your hands against a chair (or a wall). You can also place the toes of your raised on a block for assisted height.


Avoid or modify Tree Pose if you:

  • you are currently experiencing headaches, insomnia, low blood pressure, are lightheaded and/or dizzy

  • have weakness or pain in your legs

  • have arthritis in the hips &/or knees

  • are recovering from recent knee, ankle &/or shoulder surgery

  • difficulty rotation your hips externally

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness.


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