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Archived asanas

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Thread the Needle (Parsva Balasana) 🪡🧵

parsva (revolved) + bala (child) + asana (pose)

Yuummmmm, Parsva Balasana: I don´t know a single person who doesn´t the love the luxuriant richness of this gentle supine twist! Twists like Thread the Needle are believed to help "wring out" negative energy from your spine, releasing both physical & mental tension. You can make this super versatile pose dynamic or static, as simple or complicated as you want. This Beginner-Friendly chest& shoulder-opener can be part of your warm-up (to help you prepare for more challenging asanas) or as a restorative pose towards the end of your practice as you begin to cool down & relax - it´s all good. Regardless, warm up your spine beforehand with some Cat Cows, Puppy Pose, &/or Extended Child´s Pose. Afterwards, consider spending some time in the same poses that you prepped in. A fabby release for your shoulders & upper back, your spine will definitely thank you.


  • opens the heart

  • increases spinal mobility, especially the thoracic vertebrae

  • stretches & contracts the arms, shoulders, neck, chest, rib cage, abdomen, back, & pelvis

  • strengthens your core

  • stimulates abdominal muscles,helping to improve digestion

  • helps reduce back pain &/or anxiety related symptoms

  • increases the blood circulation to the upper extremities.

  • detoxes the body.

Remember: to keep your shoulders down your back (away from your ears) & your chest open to protect your neck. Your collar is broad. Keep your hips square & your knees under your hips! If you have weak wrists, try placing your forearms down on the mat instead of your palms. In fact, there are several variations to this pose: you can try lowering your non-supporting arm to the mat to blossom open to the sky, or you can add a bind.

Props: If you experience knee pain, fold your mat up or place a blanket underneath your knees in the starting position. If lowering your body to the mat is uncomfortable, place a bolster or a rolled up blanket underneath your side body, & lower your ear & torso onto it for some added "lift". Pregnant yogis should try this pose standing arm´s length from a wall .


Avoid or modify Thread the Needle Pose if you:

  • you are recovering from any neck, shoulders, arms, shoulder, & head injury

  • injuries to your hips, back/disks

  • have any problems with blood pressure

  • stick neck/spondylitis

  • suffer from osteoporosis

  • currently have a migraine

  • any neck or shoulder discomfort.


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