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Archived asanas

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Supported Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

salamba (supported) + sarva (entire) + anga (body part) + asana (pose)

Supported Shoulder Stand is an energizing inversion that you can do if you´re just not into headstands - mentally or physically. As the Sanskrit name suggests, this is a "total" body pose (it´s also known as the "mother of all asanas") which targets the back of your neck while strengthening the spine & core muscles (along with doing lots of wonderful things to your insides). If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or behind the wheel of a car, this is the pose for you! While this is a supported pose (your hands will keep your lower back supported), you´ll still use your core strength to lift yourself up. Alignment is super important, so be mindful about keeping your feet directly above your head. You can prep for this pose with Boat & Bridge Pose along with Half Plough Pose & Wind Release Pose. If you´re new to shoulder stands, aim to maintain the pose for 30 seconds & then slowly start increasing the time until you can hold it for several minutes. Plough Pose is a natural pose to move into as you come out of Supported Shoulder, & then you can wrap it all up with Happy Baby Pose, & the cherry on top: Corpse Pose.


  • tones & strengthens the neck, shoulders, & back

  • tones the legs (hamstrings, & calf muscles) & buttocks

  • relieves varicose veins

  • corrects sagging shoulders

  • enhances spinal flexibility

  • increases blood flow to the lungs, improving lung capacity

  • therapeutic for asthma, sinusitis, & other respiratory problems

  • stimulates the thyroid & prostate glands, & the abdominal organs

  • combats constipation & improves digestion

  • helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

  • calms the brain & helps relieve stress & mild depression

  • reduces fatigue & alleviates insomnia.

Remember: your neck should *not* bear your body weight, nor should it be pressing into your mat! Keep your neck long by directing your chin toward your chest & your gaze toward your belly button. Remember to tuck your shoulder blades firmly into your back - this will also help keep your heels above your hips.


Props: foam shoulder stand blocks placed under shoulders will provide firm support while giving added comfort, but a folded blanket will offer the same support & comfort. With a bolster under your shoulders for both support & height, you can then bring your bottom onto a chair for an even more supported variation.


Modify or avoid Shoulder Stand pose if you

  • have weak internal organs (e.g., spleen, liver or kidneys)

  • are suffering from back pain

  • have spondylitis

  • have glaucoma

  • have an enlarged thyroid

  • suffer from heart ailments

  • currently have an ear or throat infection

  • suffer from hypertension/High Blood Pressure

  • suffer from constant headaches, migraines, vertigo

  • suffer from asthma

  • are pregnant or are menstruating.


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