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Reclining Cobbler's/Bound Angle/Butterfly Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) 🦋

supta (reclined) + baddha (bound) + kona (angle) + asana (pose)

I´m not going to suggest that Reclining (or Supine) Butterfly (or Cobbler´s or Bound Angle) Pose is pretty much everyone's favourite yoga pose, but surely it´s up there in the top .0001%. It also goes without saying that this is a variation of the seated pose, Baddha Konasana, but like all variations, it offers a wonderful spin on the original (here the hips are in supine which requires more flexing than in the upright version & therefore improves flexibility). This restorative Beginner-friendly supine pose not only strengthens & stretches our pelvic region, inner thighs, & knees, but also allows our back & hips to rest. As such, it's an excellent pose to practice at night time, just before bed (& on our beds!) because it calms the nervous system, preparing our minds & bodies for sleep. (Full disclosure: I frequently switch Supta Baddha Konasana for Corpse Pose at the end of my practice.) Often we come into the pose after time spent in Plough, Bridge or Wind Release Pose. If you don´t slip into sleep or Corpse Pose directly afterwards, try moving into Happy Baby, or Fish Pose. How long you stay in the pose is up to you, but 5 to 10 minutes (assuming you´ve built up to it) is a good rule of thumb. Don´t worry about the position of your feet — it may be more comfortable to have your legs extended so that the natural diamond shape you achieve when you bring the soles of your feet together is longer; if you have more flexibility & no discomfort, you can tuck your feet closer in towards your hips. You may even have your lower body up against a wall. The same is true for your arms: you may prefer to rest your hands on your belly, lay them next to your body, palms up ("Savasana" arms), or raise them overhead. It´s all good.


  • flexes & expands the hips

  • stretches & expands the inner thighs

  • relieves sciatica, lower back pain, & varicose veins

  • stretches the groin muscles

  • stimulates the heart, improving blood circulation

  • tightens the lower abdomen

  • tones & stimulates the abdominal organs (ovaries, prostate gland, bladder, & kidneys)

  • relieves indigestion & flatulence 💨

  • helps to prevent hernias from developing

  • reduces the pain caused by hemorrhoids

  • relieves symptoms associated with PMS

  • therapeutic for those who suffer from insomnia, mild depression, & stress

  • calms the mind & builds focus.

Remember: in our over-zealousness, we have a tendency to push our knees toward the floor thinking that this will increase the stretch of the inner thighs & groins; in fact, some yoga instructors advise you to push your knees down don´t! Relax your knees open, & if they don´t quite go where you want them to, support them with a prop.


Props: if your hips are tight, a yoga block or cushion under your knees will provide added support; additionally, blocks can be placed under your feet to relieve any strain in the inner thighs & groins. If this pose isn´t accessible to you, straighten your legs out slightly in front of you to a larger diamond shape to take the stress off your hip flexors & knees. Also, consider supporting your head & neck on a blanket or pillow if that feels good. For an even more restorative variation, drape your upper body over a bolster for added support.

Modify or avoid Reclining Butterfly/Cobbler´s/Bound Angle Pose if you

  • have any knee, neck, & hip injuries

  • have suffered a recent groin injury

  • chronic lower back pain

  • suffer from severe sciatica.


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