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Archived asanas

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Starfish Pose (Utthita Tadasana)⭐

utthita (extended ) + tada (mountain) + asana (pose)

Everyone loves Starfish pose! - everyyyyyooooone. And whether you see yourself as a 5-Pointed Star or a Starfish (a rose by any other name ...), this foundation & transitional pose is an active & energizing posture that facilitates deep breathing, improves your posture, & simply makes you feel good - & who doesn´t want to be a starfish?Uncomplicated (but powerful), this Beginner-Friendly standing pose is appropriate for pregnant & senior yogis. Super versatile, it can be a moving meditation, & is frequently incorporated into a vinyasa as a transitional pose between Goddess Pose, Warrior 2 (& friends), & Triangle Pose. Prepare your Starfish with Garland Pose & Wide-Legged Forward Fold D & its revolved counterpart, & then relax afterwards in the same warm-up poses. Standing poses like Starfish prepare the body for more challenging balancing poses like Tree Pose, Bird of Paradise, & Flamingo Pose. There are lots of variations that will make this asana more accessible or challenging for you, so choose the starfish that best suits you & enjoy your time in the spotlight, like the start you are! ⭐⭐⭐


  • lengthens, opens, & energizes the whole body.

  • helps realign the spinal column

  • increases your range of motion

  • improves posture

  • helps to reduce back & shoulder pain

  • strengthens leg muscles, as well as the arms & core

  • opens the chest, improving circulation & respiration

  • energizes, de-stresses, & relaxes your mind & body.

Remember: to lengthen the spine & extend through the crown of your head to allow for your chest to open.

Props: Sit in a chair if you are pregnant, weak, or suffer from dizziness. Alternatively, you can express Starfish against a wall for extra support.


Avoid or modify Starfish Pose if you:

  • have injured your hip joints, ankles, or if your shoulders give you pain

  • suffer from severe arthritis of the hip, wrists, knee joints, knees, & ankles

  • are a migraine sufferer, refrain from holding Starfish for too long.


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