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Standing Splits Pose (Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana)

urdhva (raised) + prasita (expanded) + eka (one) + pada (foot) + asana (pose)

It´s dreaded inversion time! Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana is an intermediate-level balancing forward fold that stretches & strengthens the legs while opening the hips. In spite of the fact that one leg is raised, this inversion is a rooting pose that will help you feel stable, strong, & confident. Although frequently used as a prep for Full Splits, Standing Splits is a fabulous pose in its own right. Make sure that your body is supple before trying Standing Splits! - warm up with Standing or Wide-legged Forward Folds or Head to Knee Pose before entering the pose from Mountain Pose. Afterwards, you can counter with a stretch like Cobra, Standing Forward Fold, &/or Ragdoll Pose. The key to this pose is not obsessing about how high you can raise your leg; instead focus on sending energy equally into both legs & being mindful of how each side feels. If you feel particularly bendy & stable in the pose, consider trying to hold onto the standing leg with one or both hands. This pose requires regular practice to improve your overall mobility, but once you find your happy place, you´ll never want to split up with Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana!


  • stretches & strengthens the muscles of the thighs, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors (groins & pelvic floor), knees, & ankles

  • opens the hips

  • releases tension in the cervical spine

  • engages the core

  • increases flexibility in both the upper & lower body

  • opens the heart & improves breathing

  • improves balance

  • benefits the urinary & reproductive systems

  • helps to improve focus, memory, & concentration

  • is therapeutic for insomnia

  • sends blood to the brain thereby calming the nervous system & reducing anxiety & mild depression.

Remember: to ground down in all corners of your supporting foot, lift the sitting bones of your supporting leg (don´t lock that knee!) to power the other leg up, & to point those toes toward the heavens. You want to keep your spine long, so definitely use a prop if this is especially challenging for you. Don´t twist your hips - keep them squared to the short front edge of your mat.


Props: if you´d like to bring the mat closer to you, place yoga blocks under your hands. Feeling wobbly? - if you require a bit more stability, you can place the sole of your foot against a wall or place it on a sturdy chair for added support.

Modify or avoid Standing Splits Pose if you

  • have suffered from any kind of injury to your shoulders, arms, neck, hips, lower back, ankles, or knees

  • have High Blood Pressure

  • are pregnant

  • have balancing issues

  • are prone to intense headaches or migraines

  • suffer from sciatica.


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