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Archived asanas

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Side Lunge Pose (Skandasana)

skanda (god of war) + asana (pose)

Side Lunge - or Half Squat - is another trifecta of a pose as it´s a stretch, a balancing pose, & a strength builder all rolled into one. This Beginner-friendly asymmetrical pose is a more advanced variation of Garland Pose; here we stretch one leg out to the side while we balance on the toes of the supporting foot. An excellent way to increase flexibility in the lower body, make sure that you´ve warmed up your legs & hips beforehand with Garland Pose, Cobbler´s Pose, Chair Pose, or Warrior 1. Consider entering the pose from Wide Legged Forward Fold D & then following it up with Head-to-Knee Pose. The balancing aspect of this pose can be challenging for some yogis: keeping your heels in line with each other will help. If you´ve nailed the balance & can maintain a straight spine, bring your hands into prayer; otherwise, you can place your fingertips on the mat. If this is still too challenging, you can express this as a standing forward pose with your hands on the mat. It´s easy, in our enthusiasm to open our hips, to overstretch the muscles of the inner thighs & hamstrings. Additionally, to keep your knees safe, point your toes in the same direction as your knees. Finally, be careful coming out of the pose as most yoga injuries happen when we try to leave a pose too quickly. Be mindful of the principle of ahimsa: do no harm.



  • opens the hips

  • stretches the inner thigh muscles (the adductors), the quads, hamstrings, & the groin

  • open the lower back

  • stretches the glutes & the sacrum

  • strengthens the core

  • helps to open & stretch the feet & ankles

  • improves breathing by stretching the intercostal muscles

  • helps fight stress & anxiety.

Remember: don´t twist your knees in Skandasana. You can always hinge forward from your hip if you´re able to keep the hips square & in alignment with your ankles. Keep your spine long, the top of your head reaching skyward, & flex the foot of your extended leg.

Props: you can place a yoga block under your hips for support & to decrease pressure on the ankles, knees or hips. A folded blanket under the heel will provide additional support.

Modify or avoid Side Lunge Pose if you

  • have sustained serious injuries to your knees, ankles, groin, or hip joints

  • have experienced wear & tear of ligaments & tissues

  • suffer from a weak lower back or any hip pain

  • are menstruating or are pregnant (3rd T).


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