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Seated Windshield Wiper Pose (Upavistha Jathara Parivartanasana)

upavistha (wide) + jathara (belly) + parivarta (evolution) + asana (pose)

For many of us, Seated Windshield Wiper Legs (or any of its variations) is a warm-up posture, but don´t sell this Beginner-Friendly pose short: the twisting movement creates both an internal & external rotation of the hips making it a wonderful hip-opener in its own right. As our legs mimic the back & forthing of windshield wipers, our back, knees, & legs are also strengthened. You can use this pose to prepare your body for more challenging poses like Cobbler's, Garland, Goddess, Seated Straddle, & Firelog Poses or to give your body a rest after any of them. Work into Windshield Wiper; allow your knees to come closer & closer to the floor with each round. This is a great pose for those of us with bad posture thanks to our sedentary lifestyles or old age. Upavistha Jathara Parivartanasana is often incorporated into a more restorative yoga practice, & is especially delicious at the end of a tough day or just before bedtime (try practising it in bed—upright or lying down). Like a metronome, your legs will help regulate your breath as you move from side to side & gently twist. Your body & mind will feel amazing during & after this pose, & the best part?—you won´t have to wait for a rainy day! 


  • stretches the IT band, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, abdominal muscles, psoas, & lower back

  • activates the knees, quadriceps, lower back, spine & the obliques

  • gently twists the spine & opens the chest

  • engages the sit bones

  • helps to correct bad posture, especially hunching

  • is therapeutic for those with sleep disorders (if practised before bedtime

  • reduces menstrual pain

  • calms the mind & alleviates stress.


Remember: don’t force your knees down to touch the mat; it´s no big deal if they don´t touch—just try to relax & don´t worry about "how low can you go". If the back & forthing is difficult or tiring, stay on each side of the twist for about 3-4 breaths. To keep your hips safe, be mindful of the placement of your knees & feet; soles should be as close as possible to the opposite knee when completing the twist.


Props: place your hands on yoga blocks if resting your hands on the floor is uncomfortable or problematic in any way. Likewise, you can cushion your descending knees with a folded blanket. Additionally, a folded blanket under the sit bones will help with your posture if you find yourself lifting with each rotation. You can even express this pose in a chair although be careful if your chair has wheels! Your car may have wheels, but you chair should be sturdy!


Avoid or modify Seated Windshield Wiper Legs if you

  • have had any recent injuries to the hips

  • have had a hip replaced

  • experience pain when rotating the hip or knee inward. 


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