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Archived asanas

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Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

paschima (the back of the body) + uttana (intense stretch) + asana (pose)

In Seated Forward Fold, our upper bodies fold forward over our legs, with—if possible—our foreheads resting on our knees, & our hands cupping the soles of our feet. This intense back stretch seems simple enough, but can be a challenge, especially for those of us who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is not a "how low can you go" pose, so if you can't reach your toes, try reaching for your shins or ankles first, or keeping your knees bent, or using a prop. The idea is to go forward with your heart (not your head actually), & not necessarily down. Make sure you're thoroughly warm before bending, so spend some time in Palm Tree, Cobbler's Pose (including its Forward Bend variation), & Head-to Knee Pose. Remember to use the rhythm of your breath to find length & breadth; with each inhalation, lift & lengthen your chest, & with each exhalation, bend forward from the hips a little more. If your hands are resting on your feet, let your elbows bend out to the sides. Afterwards, Puppy Pose, Down Dog, & Staff Pose will help relax those muscles you've just stretched or counter with Bridge & Reverse Plank. Like all grounding poses, this Beginner-friendly ​Foundation Pose not only calms the mind & body, but teaches us patience, humility, & the art of surrendering ourselves. Namaste babies!


  • stretches the hamstrings, calves, gluteus, pelvic region, adductors of the inner thighs, & back muscles

  • lengthens the entire spine

  • increases spinal flexibility

  • counters tight hips

  • is therapeutic for sciatica, & neck & shoulder pain

  • tones the abdomen & legs

  • helps to improve posture

  • stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, & uterus

  • is an excellent posture for those with hypertension, IBD, & urinary control disorders

  • alleviates menstrual pain

  • detoxifies the body

  • calms the nerves & mind.


Remember: bend from the hips, not from the back. The aim is to keep the spine horizontal as we fold until we´ve reached as far as we can go. And no hunching! - keep your shoulders away from your ears.


Props: yogis with limited flexibility (or simply aren't able to sit with a tall, straight back) should place a cushion, yoga wedge, or folded blanket beneath their hips for support. (Alternatively, they can simply bend their knees a bit more.) If the back of the knees are stiff, a cushion or folded blanket under the knees will help too. If you experience discomfort/stress in the chest or the lower abdomen, place a cushionfolded blanket, or bolster on the thighs, & then lay yourself over your thighs as you reach for your toes. A yoga strap or scarf lassoed around the feet will assist those who can´t quite reach their toes. Lastly, this pose can be expressed by sitting in a chair, with the torso draped over the lap.


Avoid or modify Seated Forward Fold if you

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure

  • have sustained any injury to the knees, hips, pelvis, shoulders, rib cage, &/or spine

  • have slipped disks, sciatica, SI-joint instability, or advanced cervical & lumbar spondylitis, hernia, diarrhea, ulcer, &/or hypertension

  • have undergone recent his or abdominal surgery

  • have especially tight hamstrings, weak ankles, & knees 

  • are heavily pregnant

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness.


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