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Straddle Pose/Seated Angle (Upavistha Konasana)

upavistha (seated) + kona (angle) + asana (pose)

There´s a delicate balance in yoga between activating & relaxing your muscles, & Upavistha Konasana is a perfect example of this seeming contradiction. With our legs spread wide & our torso bending forward, Seated Angle (also known as Seated Straddle) Pose opens the hips while stretching the entire back side of the body. This is an intense posture, so it´s vital that we fully understand how to tilt our pelvic region safely before we bend forward. Remember to engage both hips & shoulders, lift the spine from the base, lengthen the core & muscles of the lower back, & *then* bend. Keep the focus on reaching out from the waist to keep the spine long, & only then begin walking your fingertips forward to deepen the stretch gently. Consider prepping for this pose with Staff Pose, Reclining Cobbler´s, or Head-to-Knee or Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose, & following it up with Boat Pose, Seated Forward Fold, Bridge, or Wind Release Pose. If Upavistha Konasana isn´t available to you, consider bending your knees slightly or extending your torso towards 1 leg at a time; staying for 5-6 breaths, then alternating legs. More advanced yogis may wish to go into full Turtle Pose. There´s so much to love about Seated Angle that no matter how you choose to modify the pose, your body & mind will sing your praises till the cows come home! ​



  • opens the hips & the pelvic joints

  • stretches the groin, hips, hamstring, inner thigh muscles (adductors), calves, shoulders, & arms

  • is a core strengthener

  • strengthens the quadriceps, hips, & knees

  • lengthens & tones the spine

  • increases flexibility along the legs, pelvis, & spine

  • can help reduce thigh & belly fat

  • can be theapeutic for sciatica

  • stimulates the digestive system

  • helps to regulate menstrual flow & reduce associated pain & discomfort

  • relieves fatigue & energizes body & mind.

Remember: to keep your sitting bones grounded, engage your core, keep your neck in line with your spine, & flex your feet with toes pointed to the ceiling (this serves to externally rotate your hips). In the full expression of the pose, you may be holding the outside of your feet with your hands, but don´t be tempted to pull your legs further apart in an effort to widen your straddle! Your legs should be comfortably wide.

Props: show your back a little love by setting a yoga block in front of you & then resting your forehead on it. By holding onto a study chair placed in front of you to receive your fold, the stretch to the inner thighs will minimized. If you need added support, cushions or blankets under your hips will help, especially as you prepare to bend forward. A bolster or blankets between the legs makes a safe restorative place your torso to lie upon.

Modify or avoid Seated Angle Pose if you

  • experience groin pain, have had an injury to that area, or will be having surgery

  • have any sort of back pain that bending forward exacerbates

  • have had injuries to or pain in your ankles, shoulders, hips, rib cage, pelvic region, & knees

  • generally have weak ankles, back, & knees

  • have a lack of Body-Breath Connection

  • if you are far along in your pregnancy, modify this pose so that you´re seated upright.


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