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Archived asanas

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Sage Twist Pose A (Marichyasana)

marichi (ray of light) + asana (pose)

Marichyasana A (or "1" if you prefer) is an asymmetrical, seated pose that requires (but also increases) our flexibility &, as such, is considered an intermediate-level pose. Its name comes from the sage Marichi, son of Brahma the creator, who became the ruler of the “shining ones". There are 4 expressions of Sage, with this one being yet another Swiss Army Knife of a pose: it twists & stretches while we bend forward, it opens our hips, relieves tension in the spinal area, relaxes the lower back muscles, & gives our insides a loving squeeze. If that´s not enough, it´s also a binding pose because we clasp both our wrists around the folded leg. It looks pretty easy, but the binding of our hands behind our back tightens the hips which in turn reduces the flexibility we usually require for a forward fold. Consider warming up your spine & hips with some Seated Hip Circles, Head to Knee Pose, or ​Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, while afterwards, Bridge & Wind Release Pose both provide excellent counterposes for your lower back. Try holding Sage Twist for about 5 breaths, then slowly release the arms, (relaxing in Staff Pose for a few breaths). Remember to repeat on the other side. Like all forward folds, our Sage has a calming effect on the mind, so enjoy and try not to be judgy on yourself. Don´t worry about touching your knee with your nose in the forward bend; it may be enough for you to keep your gaze forward. The important thing is your torso has the intention of moving forward & downward. You can also consider staying upright & peeking over your shoulder. Don´t forget: it´s the journey that counts, not the destination.



  • stretches the chest, shoulders & glutes

  • opens the hips

  • strengthens the base of the spine & sacrum, giving added support to the entire spine

  • activates the thyroid glands

  • tones the abdominal muscles

  • stimulates the liver & kidneys

  • improves digestion

  • helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (a bonus for pregnant women!)

  • calms the nervous system

  • improves focus.

Remember: Don´t round your spine - sit up straight & hinge from the hips! Breathing deeply & slowly, & then pulling the belly button in will maintain the balance at your hips during the forward bend. Make sure that the foot of your bent leg is flat on the floor (the opposite foot is engaged too) & that the bent leg is vertical & not leaning outward.

Props: if you have limited flexibility, you can skip the bind & press your hands into the floor for leverage. You can also place a yoga block or a rolled blanket under your hips if you can´t sit up straight. If the full bind is not available to you, use a yoga strap, scarf, or belt to bridge the distance.

Modify or avoid Sage Pose A if you

  • have any breathing issues

  • have sustained serious injury to your knees

  • have High Blood Pressure

  • suffer from arthritis or severe low back pain

  • are menstruating as it can increase bleeding.


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