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Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana)

parivrtta (revolved) + prasarita (separated) + pada (foot) + uttana (intense stretching) + asana (pose)

Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend is another Swiss Army knife (or Leatherman if you prefer) of a pose: it´s an energizing twist, a calming forward bend, a balancing pose, a deep stretch, a detoxifier, a strengthening pose, & a dreaded inversion - so many things in 1 handy package. This is a kissing cousin of Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold, the foundation for our revolved variation, so make sure you can achieve the correct alignment before moving on to the twist. Ensure that your body is sufficiently warmed up with time spent in various Forward Folds, as well as Side Lunge, Goddess & Starfish Poses. & then afterwards, relax your body in the same poses that you prepped with, but maybe toss in a Mountain Pose. Because of its soothing nature, this fold is commonly sequenced at the end of standing poses & is naturally a good prep pose for seated twists. Both twists & forward folds can be challenging for many yogis, so you can modify this pose with a prop or challenge yourself by grasping your opposite ankle in the twist. To come out of this pose, unwind your gaze first, then your torso, return both hands to your mat & then your waist, & finally come up with a flat back. Keep your gaze & your face soft during this twisty-fold & invite it to quiet the mind.


  • strengthens the back, legs, hips, psoas, quads, spinal cord, neck, arms, & shoulders

  • stretches the hamstrings & glutes on the twisty side

  • aligns & strengthens the spine, improving spinal flexibility

  • nourishes spinal disks

  • creates space for the heart muscle

  • massages the organs of the abdomen (this cleanses & tones the organs, improving their ability to release toxins)

  • helps to improve/regulate digestion & metabolism

  • offers relief from neck & shoulder tension

  • strengthens the nervous system

  • relieves stress, anxiety, & mild depression

  • helps to build awareness

  • nourishes the brain & sensory organs.

Remember: be mindful of your intelligent edge, & don´t force the pose. If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees. If your neck hurts during the expression of this pose, keep your gaze mat-ward. Also, don´t bend from your waist! - remember to hinge from the hips.


Props: if your hands don't easily reach the floor, place your hand on a block that´s been positioned to the centre of your mat between your feet for the twist, or you can even place your hand on your hip. You can also place your forearm on a chair to support your alignment.


Modify or avoid Revolved Wide Legged Forward Bend if you

  • have low back pain, a herniated disc, or sciatica

  • have neck injuries, don´t turn your head to face the top hand

  • have wrist pain

  • are experiencing High Blood Pressure, migraines, or vertigo

  • have stability/balance issues

  • are pregnant: while generally safe for pregnant women, be mindful about putting too much strain on the muscles of the abdomen & the pelvic floor.


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