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Archived asanas

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Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana) 🔺

parivrtta (revolved) + trikona (triangle) + asana (pose)

Revolved Triangle is a fabulous twisty, side bendy pose for those of us who like to hang out in geometric shapes, but want to up our game from time to time. This intermediate level standing pose is obviously an extension of Triangle Pose, & as such is both stabilizing & empowering. Make certain that your body is warm & supple beforehand, so spend some time in Triangle, Pyramid Poseany of the Warriors, & Extended Side Angle Pose. Remember to express this pose on both sides for the same length of time, & to relax afterwards with Standing Forward Fold, Runner´s LungeDown Dog, & perhaps Starfish Pose. In math, the triangle is perfection: it´s the strongest shape, it´s capable of holding its form, & it has a strong foundation. The same is true in yoga; after all, the 3 most important movements of the spine are the forward bend, the side bend, & the twist. This is a powerful pose, so be gentle on yourself & don´t over-twist your neck. If you´re a bit wobbly on your feet, bring your head, neck, & drishti to a neutral position, pointing in the same direction as your hips instead of looking up. Don´t know much about algebra?— we promise you that Revolved Triangle will have you singing the praises of geometry in the blink of an eye.


  • stretches & strengthens the hamstrings, quads, gluteus maximus, calves, & feet

  • flexes the hips

  • improves range of motion in the hips & pelvis

  • stretches & contracts the core

  • relieves mild back pain

  • improves balance

  • opens the chest, encouraging deeper breathing

  • increases stability

  • stimulates the digestive organs, relieving gas, constipation, & IBS, & reducing bloating

  • reduces stress & anxiety

  • balances the entire body physically & energetically

  • builds confidence & focus

  • helps to reduce menstrual discomfort.


Remember: your alignment is super important. Your feet should be positioned at 90º & 45º, hips are engaged & aligned with the sit bones, shoulders are aligned with your hips, & arms are in one long line. Proper alignment will keep you safe & help you to express the pose easier.


Props: if your mat seems really far away, place your lower hand on a yoga block, the seat of a chair, or your shin. You can even do this as a standing pose with the hand of your "supporting" arm against a wall.


Avoid or modify Revolved Triangle Pose if you

  • have sacroiliac, low back, or hip pain

  • have sustained injuries to your neck, shoulders, knee, &/or ankles

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure: don´t raise your upper arm over your heart & gaze downwards

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness

  • are prone to severe headaches, migraines &/or vertigo

  • currently have nasty tummy problems

  • are heavily pregnant or recently postnatal.


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