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Archived asanas

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Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)🦸🏻‍♀️

supta (reclined) + vira (hero) + asana (pose)

One of our absolute favourite poses, Supta Virasana is an intermediate variation of Hero´s Pose (a kneeling pose with an internal hip rotation), which further encourages the torso into a backbend while stretching the thighs, ankles, & hips a bit (a lot?) more intensely. This passive, grounding pose sends love to every part of your lower body from the lower back down to your toes, so it´s fabulous for runners & cyclists (for example) & for those of us who spend a lot of time sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car. In the full expression of the pose, your knees will be together, your legs apart, your bottom & torso on the mat, with your toes relaxed & the tops of your feet in line with your shins. Releasing your hips between your ankles can be quite challenging even before you begin to lie back on your mat, so modify (perhaps only bend 1 leg at a time), or use a prop to assist you on your journey. Be equally mindful coming out of this pose: press your elbows into the mat & carefully lift your torso up, then release 1 leg at a time. To intensify your Hero, raise & stretch your arms overhead into cactus (🌵) arms, or bend them & hold onto your elbows, arms flat on the mat. Hero, Cobra Pose, Fish Pose all help to warm up your body, while Kneeling Cat Cows, Child´s (regular or Extended), & Camel Pose (even a modified version) will help relax you afterwards. Finally, you can be a hero lying down on the job! How awesome is that?



  • stretches hip flexors & quads

  • opens the chest & shoulders

  • releases tension & improves lower body flexibility

  • relieves lower backache

  • improves ankle mobility

  • helps correct flat feet

  • reduces inflammation in the knees, & relieves gout & rheumatic pain

  • promotes cardiovascular health by gently massaging & strengthening the heart

  • relieves indigestion, acidity & excessive tooting

  • provides restorative action for the body & mind.

Remember: as you begin your descent, focus on lowering your shoulders to the mat, not arching your head back. Your chin should be away from your chest, but your head & neck should be in neutral. Keep your chest lifting as you recline. Be mindful of your lower back: if you feel any unpleasant sensations - pinching or pulling around your pelvis & lumbar spine - ease off or readjust. In fact, keep your tailbone moving upward toward your pubic bone as this will help protect your lower back. Beginners frequently splay their knees open which compresses the lower back, so use a prop.

Props: try reclining on a bolster - this shortens the distance downwards & eases the pressure on the front of the thighs. If your knees tend to splay out, wrap & secure a yoga strap around your thighs to keep them parallel to each other or place a yoga block between them. If your ankles need extra padding, place a blanket underneath them before entering the pose.


Modify or avoid Reclining Hero Pose if you

  • have (or have had) a spinal injury or condition, especially if the injury is located in the lower spine

  • are recovering from bypass surgery

  • have partially blocked arteries

  • suffer from angina

  • have very tight hips /front of your thighs

  • are prone to severe headaches or migraines

  • are pregnant.


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