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Reclining Figure 4 / Reverse Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

supta (reclining) + kapota (pigeon) + asana (pose)

Supta kapotasana is known as Reclining/Supine/Reverse + Figure 4/Pigeon/Thread the Needle pose - take your pick!!! - but whatever you call it, this amazing Beginner-friendly supported stretch is 1 of the most important things you can do for your back & hips. This asana has a host of variations: if raising your supporting leg (the left leg in the photo) is a challenge, then don´t! If that´s not accessible to you, extend that supporting leg along your mat, placing the ankle of your bent leg on the thigh of the straight leg (& you´ll really look like the number 4). If you have more openness & strength, you can even do this pose standing up - as a variation on Chair Pose! Reclining Figure 4 helps to prepare the body for Full or Half Pigeon Pose, & other more advanced hip stretches. Because our hips are repositories for stress & anxiety, Supta kapotasana will help to release those pent-up negative emotions. Remember to prep your body beforehand in Wind Release Pose, some Supine Spinal Twists, Reclining Cobbler's &/or Bridge Pose. You can relax your body afterwards with the same poses, & maybe Happy Baby Pose for an added treat. It´s typical to enter this pose towards the end of your practice as it helps to relax the body for Corpse Pose.


  • stretches & opens the hips, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings

  • strengthens the thighs

  • decompresses the spine which can be beneficial to those with sciatica pain

  • lengthens the IT bands, which may help to protect the knees.

  • as a supine & restorative pose, it may help to relax both the body & mind

  • helps to reduce PMS symptoms & menstrual cramping.

Remember: It´s important that your head, shoulders, spine, & sacrum are all rooted to the earth. You´re pulling the thigh towards your torso, but not forcing the stretch. If you want to increase the hip opening benefits of this pose, gently press your right elbow against the thigh of your right leg, hold for at least 60 seconds, & remember to repeat on the other side when you switch legs. Don´t stress about the placement of your hands: if you can´t thread your hands through the space between your legs, don´t! Better to have a flat back on your mat than to hold onto your shin or thighs - you can keep your arms by your side or extended outwards like in a supine twist.

Props: You can skootch yourself towards a wall, & place the sole of your supporting leg against it for added support. You can also express this pose in a chair. You may need to set the sole of your supporting leg on a block or bolster to maintain your height, or if you have a bit more flexibility, you can place the bolster on your lap, & bow gently over it.

Avoid or modify Reclining Figure 4 if you

  • have had recent surgery in the hips, knees, lower back, or abdomen

  • have sacroiliitis or severe sacroiliac issues

  • are heavily pregnant: it´s best to avoid this pose as you enter your 3rd trimester.


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