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Archived asanas

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Rag Doll Pose (Baddha Hasta Uttanasana)

baddha (bound) +hasta (hand) + uttana (stretched out) + asana (pose) 

Sometimes called Dangling Pose, Rag Doll is a standing, stretching pose that´s a passive variation of Standing Forward Fold because here gravity does all the work. It´s also a binding pose because we clasp our elbows which allows our body (especially the upper back) to release even more deeply. The focus is on your back & the stretch in your hamstrings a bonus. In other words, you can maintain as deep a bend in your knees as you´d like. Rag Doll is frequently incorporated into Yin Yoga practices (where it's held for 3+ minutes) & in Hatha Yoga (where it can be part of vinyasa series with Mountain Pose & Standing Half Forward Fold). Don´t feel restricted by this: if you need to relax or release your back, go for it. You should bring some heat to your body beforehand with Chair Pose, Mountain Pose with a Backbend, & Down Dog, & then afterwards, luxuriate in some Standing Spinal Roll-ups, &/or spend some time in Standing Half Forward Fold or Garland Pose. Feel free to add some movement to Rag Doll; swinging back & forth releases tension. Rag Doll is a dreaded inversion (albeit a playful one) &, as such, will help calm your mind, reduce anxiety, & help you forget all about your aching back. Just let everything go, surrender to the earth, & say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


  • stretches the spine & hamstrings

  • reduces tightness in the hamstrings & calves

  • increases range of motion

  • stimulates the internal organs & improves digestion

  • reduces menstrual pain/discomfort, or problems associated with endometriosis &/or menopause

  • reduces symptoms associated with depression

  • improves sleep quality

  • increases energy

  • heightens awareness

  • helps to release pent-up negative energy frequently stored in the pelvis and hips.


Remember: your neck should be completely loose in this pose & your knees lifting upwards. Set your drishti between your shins. Remember to come out of this pose slowly & keep your eyes closed for a bit. It´s common for overly enthusiastic yogis to experience a bit of dizziness.


Props: place your hands on yoga blocks if clasping your hands is uncomfortable or rest the crown of your head on the blocks if hanging your head is too problematic. You can even express this pose in a chair although, as always, be careful if your chair has wheels! To deepen the stretch in your hamstrings & calves, lean your back against a wall or step your toes on a folded blanket.


Avoid or modify Rag Doll Pose if you:

  • experience any pain/discomfort in your head or neck

  • have balance issues

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure

  • are prone to vertigo/dizziness

  • are pregnant.


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