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Archived asanas

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Puppy Pose​ (Uttana Shishosana)🐕

ut (intense) + tan (stretch) + shisho (puppy) + asana (pose)

Downward Dog & Extended Child’s Pose´s lovechild, Puppy Pose - a luxurious heart-opening back bend that stretches the spine, the upper body, & the abdominal muscles - is often calling Melting Heart Pose because it encourages our hearts to melt toward our mat. Even though this is an intense stretch in its own right (you´ll feel it from your neck to your pubic bone), it´s frequently used after more challenging spine, shoulder, &/or back poses. It´s also a friendly-but dreaded inversion that stretches the muscles of the chest. By fostering an overall sense of calmness in the body, it also helps to relieve stress & anxiety. Make sure your spine is warm beforehand with, for example, some Cat Cows & Thread the Needle Pose, & then enter from Tabletop Pose. Hold for about 5-10 breaths, & then counter with Cobra &/or Crocodile Poses. Always be mindful exiting the pose because you may get dizzy - take your time! This is a beginner-friendly pose that you´ll quickly fall in love with - I mean, who doesn´t love puppies?!! 🐕


  • strengthens & tones your back muscles, shoulders, neck, arms, & legs

  • increases flexibility in the shoulders by stretching the spine

  • stretches the chest muscles, expands the chest, & opens up the heart chakra

  • opens up the hips

  • massages the lower abdomen & helps to eliminate gas (toot!)

  • promotes introspection & overall well-being

  • is therapeutic for insomnia & anxiety.

Remember: be careful not to strain your neck; it should be relaxed. Try to keep your arms engaged by actively stretching your arms & gripping the mat, & be mindful of your alignment: keep your hips over/in line with your knees.

Props: a folded blanket placed below the knees will help those with sensitive knees or lower back twinges. If it´s difficult getting your upper body close to the mat, try placing your forehead on a yoga block or on a folded blanket. Additionally, a rolled-up blanket or bolster between your thighs & calves will help if you want to hold the pose for a longer period of time.

Avoid or Modify Puppy Pose if you:

  • ​have extremely stiff shoulders & arms

  • are suffering from severe lower back pain

  • have sustained any hip, knee or spines injuries

  • have particularly weak wrists

  • are heavily pregnant.


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