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Archived asanas

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Plough/Plow Pose (Halasana)

hala (plough) + asana (pose)

We´re head-over-heels in love with Plough/Plow Pose - another yoga trifecta: a full-body stretch, a backbend, & an inversion! Plough Pose is a restorative pose & an excellent counterpose to forward bends, *but* remember that it´s an intermediate pose. While there are tons of props & modifications available, Beginners should nonetheless have an experienced instructor on hand until they get the hang of things. Make sure that you´ve made your body nice & receptive to this pose by spending some quality time in Bridge Pose & Supported Shoulder Stand. It´s imperative that your muscles have time to contract afterwards & that your relax your entire body, so coming into Legs Up the Wall Pose &/or Reclining Cobbler's Pose, & then ultimately Corpse Pose is just the ticket. Plough Pose will help you see the world from a whole new perspective; practise it before entering Corpse Pose or before going to sleep to help calm the mind & body.


  • stretches & massages the spinal chord

  • sretches shoulders & the back of your legs

  • increases circulation & suppleness

  • opens the upper back & chest

  • balances the thyroid gland

  • relaxes the nerves, brain, & heart

  • stimulates the abdominal organs

  • can be therapeutic for backaches, sore shoulders, headaches, insomnia, & sinusitis

  • calms the mind

  • reduces stress & fatigue.

Remember: try to maintain a straight back & allow yourself room to breathe. Protect your neck! - it can be particularly vulnerable during Plow Pose, so keep space between the back of it & the floor. How you get out of Plough Pose is just as important as how you get into it: slowly press your hands into your mat to moderate your descent & rest on your side for a few moments before slowly sitting up.

Props: For added support, use a chair under your feet or use the wall as a prop - reach the wall with your feet for support, & with practice, slowly "walk" down bit by bit. Alternatively, add some height under your hips (rather than under your shoulders): a bolster or thick pillows here won´t put pressure on your neck, allowing it to remain in a neutral position.

Avoid Plow Pose if you:

  • ​are menstruating or are pregnant

  • have had neck or spinal injuries

  • ​have weak legs, weak hamstring muscles, or weak calf muscles

  • have an enlarged thyroid, spleen and/or liver

  • have weak blood vessels in the eyes

  • suffer from severe headaches /migraines

  • have diarrhea

  • have high blood pressure

  • a history of stroke or heart disease

  • suffer from sciatica

  • asthma (take precautions as Plow can be therapeutic)

  • have esophageal reflux /GERD.


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