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Pelican Pose (Eka Pada Parivrtta Utkatasana)

eka (one) + pada (foot) + parivrtta (revolved) + utkata (fierrce/powerful) + asana (pose)

Also known as One-Legged Revolved Chair pose (phew! that´s a mouthful!), Pelican (a variation of Chair Pose), is a twisting standing pose that not only incorporates a balance element but also engages the entire body (hips & back in the forward bend, neck, shoulders, & abdomen in the twist, & legs & hips in the balance). Like all twisting poses, Pelican Pose is a great detoxifier, wringing out physical & emotional toxins from your body. Because Pelican is expressed on one leg, yogis requires strength in the legs & need some flexibility in the spine & back. It´s essential then that you warm your body up beforehand, so spend some time in Chair & Revolved Chair, & One-Legged Chair Pose. Relax afterwards in Standing Forward Bend, Warrior 1 & 2, & Garland Pose. This is considered an intermediate pose because it requires a great deal of leg & core strength, so if the balancing aspect is throwing you off kilter, try chair pose or revolved chair pose until Pelican is accessible to you. There´s only a peli-can, not a peli-can´t, so work your way up there. Benefits:

  • strengthens & stabilizes both knees & ankles

  • release tension in the hips, back, shoulders, neck

  • strengthens the shoulders, core, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, & the Achilles tendons

  • keeps the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, & ankles healthy

  • improves lymphatic system

  • improves spinal rotation, thereby stimulating the internal organs & aiding digestion

  • promotes physical & mental balance

  • improves focus & concentration.

Remember: to pick a drishti (fixed focal point) to help with your balance! Also try to keep your hands pushing together in Anjali Mudra (prayer pose). Pulling them down toward your belly button requires less range of movement in your hips & knees, so this will help you open your chest & widen your collarbones Props: There´s more than one way for your pelican to take flight. It's not a deal-breaker if you´re not ready to bring your hands into prayer pose. You can place the "lower" arm on a yoga block & simply raise the "upper" arm for stability. Avoid or modify Pelican Pose if you

  • have injured any part of the body (muscles, joints, ligaments, etc.)

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure

  • are prone to serious headaches, migraines, &/or anxiety

  • suffer from chronic & intense digestion problems

  • are pregnant.

parivrtta (revolved) + utka (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose)parivrtta (revolved) + utka (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose)

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