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One-legged Chair Pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana) 🪑

eka (one) + pada (leg) + utkata (fierce / powerful) + asana (pose)

Another Swiss Army Knife of a pose, One-Legged (or Half) Chair - a variation of Chair Pose - is a hip-opening leg- & core-strengthening posture that has a balancing component, all while helping to increase your flexibility. Also known as Standing Figure-Four Pose, it´s an excellent pose to help relieve the stiffness that comes from sitting too much & to combat leg fatigue. This is an intense intermediate-level pose, so consider warming up with Tree Pose, Half Lotus Tree, Standing Pigeon Pose, &/or Revolved Wide-Legged Fold. Relax afterwards in Chair Pose, Garland Pose, & Standing Forward Fold. As in all yoga poses, be mindful about establishing your feet & legs - always ground up!. Only then start to lift your opposite foot off the mat, lift your gaze, & then slowly come up. By pushing your top ankle down onto your thigh, you´ll activate the stretch even more, & by bringing your hands into prayer, you´ll not only strengthen any weak upper back muscles, but minimize the likelihood of rounding forward. If you want to deepen the stretch, try lowering your chest so that your fingers touch your mat​. This is an intermediate pose, but beginners or those working up to the pose can still enjoy its benefits by staying reclined on the mat in Reclining Figure 4 Pose ​or by sitting in a chair. Just remember to try holding this pose for 30-60 seconds on each side, but if you´re not there yet, that´s okey dokey.


  • improves core strength

  • strengthens the legs: the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, & gluteus maximus, as well as the ankle & foot muscles

  • opens the hips

  • boosts stamina

  • may be therapeutic for those with sciatica

  • increases flexibility in the hips, knees, & ankles

  • strengthens & stretches the lungs

  • encourages the heart to work more

  • improves balance

  • enhances clarity & helps the mind focus

  • helps to release repressed emotions (through the deep opening of the hips).

Remember: to keep a straight line between your spine & your bottom rather than overarching or rounding your back. You need to engage your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel inward! Your shoulders should be relaxed & down, not hunched & raised toward your ears. Focusing on a drishti will help.


Props: Try this pose facing a wall with your hands against it for balance, or face away from it, using the wall to support your back. You can also express this pose in a chair if you´re still working on your strength, balance, & flexibility.

Modify or avoid One-Legged Chair Pose if you

  • have had spine, ankle, knee, or hip injuries

  • suffer from chronic knee problems

  • have high or low blood pressure

  • have a weak core

  • suffer from respiratory complications

  • lack of Breath-Body Connection

  • are pregnant.


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