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Archived asanas

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Noose Pose (Pasasana) 🪢

pasa (noose) + asana (pose)

Perhaps not the cheeriest of names, nonetheless, Noose Pose (just think of the shape created by wrapping your arms around your bent knees) is an advanced twisting, stretching, strengthening, & balancing posture. The spinal twist activates the solar plexus, which in turn activates the sympathetic nervous system. This deep seated twist has - as its cherry on top - a bind which opens up the shoulders. Can´t clasp your hands? - no worries, there are props available to you. It´s important to note that this is a pose that should be approached slowly. Don´t just warm up to Noose, work up to it. Squats, balancing poses, & twists should be integrated into your practice well before you even think of trying Pasasana. It should come as no surprise that your spine (& the rest of your body) be warmed up for this twist, so consider getting into the groove with Half Lord of the Fishes PoseCobbler´s Pose, &/or Cow Face Pose. After this amazing twist, Cobra, Locust, Garland, & any number of Forward Folds will magically relax your body. Even if expressing this pose isn´t physically difficult (lucky you!), it still challenges your balance, patience, & stability. Be mindful of the fact that you may never nail your Noose perfectly - this has more to do with anatomy than will power & perseverance. So don´t be too hard on yourself. There's no place for a judge, jury, & executioner in your practice.


  • stretches & strengthens the spine

  • strengthens thighs, groins, & ankles

  • increases blood flow

  • relieves tension in the shoulders, back, & neck

  • therapeutic for sciatica

  • activates your core

  • improves flexibility

  • stimulates the abdominal muscles

  • helps to relieve asthma

  • alleviates digestive issues like flatulence 💨

  • alleviates pain & discomfort associated with menstruation

  • builds confidence.


Remember: to squeeze your knees together & to drop your shoulder blades down your back to open your chest. Your spine should be long & straight, your back flat, You need to lift your pelvis, tilting in a bit forward. Also, keep your tailbone rooting down while your heels press firmly down into the earth. If you can, turn your head so it´s looking over your back shoulder.


Props: lay your hands against a wall while in the twist for extra support. You can also roll up your yoga mat or place a bolster or yoga mat under/behind your feet to to give you some added lift & to give your arms a better range of motion. Also holding onto a yoga strap or scarf will help if your hands can´t quite make the bind.


Avoid or modify Noose Pose if you

  • have sustained injuries to your lower back, hips, &/or abdominal organs

  • suffer from arthritis (namely, in the hips, knees, ankles, &/or shoulders)

  • have balancing issues (you may want to work up to this pose slowly)

  • suffer from IBD

  • suffer from spondylitis

  • have problems with blood pressure

  • have a weak immune system 

  • are pregnant.


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