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Mermaid Pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapota) 🧜🏻‍♀️

eka (one) + pada (leg) + raja (king) + kapota (pigeon) + asana (pose)

Mermaid - also known as 1-Legged King Pigeon Pose - is an intermediate seated backbend that´s an intense hip-opener - with a twist. This pose will lift & open your heart while challenging your balance just a little (well, maybe a lot). It´s vital that your body is sufficiently warm beforehand, so consider generating some heat & lubricating your joints with 3-Legged, Up & Down Dog, & Cobbler´s Pose; in fact, enter & exit the pose carefully via Down Dog. After repeating the pose on the other side (same number of breaths!), luxuriate in Reclining Hero´s Pose or Extended Child´s Pose. Mermaid encourages you to listen to your body & to acknowledge your intelligent edge: practise within your limits! Opening your hips & stretching your spine creates length & strength throughout your entire body. You´ll find that channeling the fluidity of a mermaid will also give you the confidence you need to try King Pigeon Pose - or tackle anything at all - because mermaids are, if anything, completely magical!🧜🏻‍♀️


  • stretches the hips, quads, groin, & shoulders

  • increases the flexibility & mobility of the hips

  • opens the chest & stretches the frontal & side torso muscles

  • stimulates the diaphragm

  • regulates digestion

  • tones the abdominal muscles

  • calms the mind

  • reduces stress & anxiety

  • promotes healing & rehabilitation of the hips & lower back.

Remember: keep your front foot flexed to help protect your knee, & your back knee should be in line with the hips. Mermaid requires open hips - you should be able to access a single Pigeon base, so make sure that you've warmed them up before entering the pose. You also have to be flexible enough so that your back & shoulders will allow your chest to come forward. Don´t force it! If you do, you may injure yourself. Flexibility comes with time, so go with the flow - you are a mermaid after all.

Props: Use a strap if you can't yet rest your foot in your elbow crease. A folded blanket or flat cushion under your hip will help if your front-leg hip doesn´t come all the way to the mat. You can also place a folded blanket or flat cushion under your back knee for cushioning & support. Your front shin should be as parallel to the front edge of your mat, but if your hips are tight, you´ll find that your front shin might angle back toward your opposite-leg hip. That´s tickety-boo, so don´t sweat it.

Avoid or Modify Mermaid Pose if you:

  • have had recent surgery to the shoulders, back, neck, rib cage, hips, knees, quads, hamstrings, or chronic intense pain

  • suffer from severe osteoporosis, scoliosis, or spinal stenosis

  • have bulging or herniated discs

  • suffer from heart disease

  • have a weak digestive sustem or suffer from IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease)

  • have high or low blood pressure

  • are pregnant.


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