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Archived asanas

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Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)🦎

ut (intense) + tan (stretch) + pristha (back of the body) + asana (pose)

For those of us in need of a stretch to open our hips, Lizard Pose is there to help. Our hips tend to be tight & hold a lot of our emotional stress, so this intermediate pose can be challenging for many of us - especially those of us who sit all day behind a desk or behind a wheel. It´s essential that you´ve warmed up beforehand, & you´ll find that Runner's Lunge, (Lizard is very similar to Lunge Pose except here we rest on our forearms), Cradle, & Pyramid Pose will open up your hips. Conversely, Down Dog, Half Pigeon, & Garland Pose will help start your body to relax. There are several variations for this pose - both regarding the position of your hands/your arms (on your forearms? on the palms of your hands?) & your back leg (on the mat? off the mat) - so listen to your body & be respectful of it. Lizard Pose is frequently included in yin yoga practices to help stretch & strengthen the deep connecting tissues like fascia. If your hips aren´t as open as you´d like, consider modifying with Reclining Figure 4, & over time ease into the pose - Rome wasn´t built in a day, nor is Lizard Pose available to most of us the 1st time. 🦎🦎🦎


  • opens & stretches the hips

  • strengthens & tones the glutes, chest, & shoulders (the deltoids)

  • helps to improve the flexibility of the leg muscles (the hamstring & quads), & the pelvic floor muscles

  • reduces belly fat - depending on how long you hold the pose and are mindful of keeping your abdominal muscles tight

  • activates the reproductive system (so be careful!)

  • helps to calm the mind.

Remember: be mindful that your hips are square! Use your breath to release any tension in your inner thighs.

Props: If your hips are tight, you can use a yoga block underneath your forearms for added comfort & support. If your back knee feels uncomfortable, slip a rolled-up towel or the doubled-over edge of your yoga mat underneath it.

​Avoid or modify Lizard Pose if you:

  • have an ankle, knee, hip, or back injury

  • suffer from weak forearms or shoulder joints

  • are recovering from a recent surgery or have dislocated your shoulders

  • are experiencing severe lower back pain

  • have abnormal blood pressure

  • have a hernia

  • feel like your head is particularly heavy.


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