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Archived asanas

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Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita karani)

viparita (inverted) + karani (action/attitude)

This amazing Beginner-friendly inversion has so many benefits that it makes me want to burst - but I won´t! Legs Up the Wall is not only a supported restorative supine pose, but is also a great prep pose to help ease you into Plough Pose. You can incorporate it into your regular practice - perhaps just before Corpse Pose - or think of it as a stand alone pose that you can wriggle into just before bedtime (in fact, do it in bed!). Because it´s an inversion, Viparita Karani quiets & calms the nervous system, but unlike some other inversions, it doesn´t put a lot of pressure on your neck & head. Like its Sanskrit name suggests, this is a “non-doing” pose that’s all about relaxing your mind & body, & just letting go of any tension in your body. For those of us who sit or stand a lot in our jobs, this pose will not only ease pain/discomfort, but will also prevent blood from pooling & staying in our legs. Runners & other athletes will benefit from this pose during cool-down. Warm up with Bridge Pose, some Supine Spinal Twists, & Wind Release Pose. Afterwards, Happy Baby Pose, Reclining Cobbler´s Pose (try the variation with legs up the wall), & Corpse Pose will thank your body for you. This pose can be simplified (those with reduced mobility can do this pose with knees bent & soles of the feet against the wall) or made more challenging (nix the wall!), but however you choose to express Viparita Karani, you´ll never look at your wall the same way again.


  • gently opens the backs of your legs, the pelvis, & the muscles supporting the spine & hips

  • increases hip flexibility (required to enter the pose)

  • reduces knee pain

  • relieves leg & foot cramps

  • alleviates tired legs

  • improves circulation, reducing the likelihood of blood clots

  • massages the kidneys, adrenal glands, & diaphragm

  • regulates the function of the internal organs

  • relieves neck tension & headaches

  • reduces stress, calming the breath & the mind preparing us for meditation

  • helps those of us with sleep disorders/insomnia.

Remember: to keep the shoulders, head, heels, knees, hips, & arms relaxed, yet active! This pose is relatively easy & relaxing, but it´s necessary to be mindful about your alignment: feet & knees are in line with the hips, as well as the head & shoulders.


Props: a towel placed under your neck will give you a bit of extra support if your neck is sore. If you experience discomfort in the lower back, support your lower back with a bolster or folded blanket. You can also lie on the floor and place your bent legs on the seat of a chair. So many options!


Modify or avoid Knees Up the Wall pose if you

  • have sustained any injury to your wrists or neck

  • are suffering from shoulder pain

  • have excessive fluid retention

  • suffer from high blood pressure &/or heart disease

  • have had a stroke

  • are menstruating or are pregnant

  • have glaucoma

  • suffer from esophageal reflux

  • have had a hiatal hernia.


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