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Archived asanas

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Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

ananda (blissful) + bala (baby) + asana (pose)

You don´t have to be baby crazy to go gaga over Happy Baby Pose! Happy Baby is a gentle relaxing stretch for the hamstrings, inner thighs, & groin, a treat for the lower back, & a hip-opener to boot! What´s there not to love? Many yogis, because of their knee issues, have difficulties with squatting poses, so Happy Baby is a bit of a godend as it´s actually a reclining squat. This restorative pose is often incorporated into a vinyasa, but can also be used as the penultimate pose of our practice. Suitable for beginners & seniors, Ananda Balasana encourages us to bring greater awareness to our hip joints. Both Garland & Cobbler´s Pose open our hips in preparation for this pose, & afterwards - unless you go directly into Corpse Pose as many of us do - you can relax in Reclining Cobbler´s, Wind Release Pose, or some Supine Spinal Twists. Remember to hold the pose for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply through the nose - it can be a static pose, or you can move/gently kick your legs (like babies do), or rock side to side for a gentle spine massage! Happy Baby releases endorphins throughout the body which goes a long way to explain why babies - & yogis - are so happy!


  • strengthens the hip flexors

  • decompresses the sacrum

  • gently stretches the inner groins

  • improves flexibility in the hamstrings

  • strengthens the shoulders & arms

  • engages the core

  • lengthens & realigns the spine

  • helps reduce lower back pain

  • increases lung capacity

  • improves digestion

  • is therapeutic for bloating & constipation

  • eases menstrual cramps

  • calms the brain, helping to relieve stress & fatigue

  • may improve sleep.

Remember: Happy Baby can stretch both your lower back & open your hips - if your lower back comes far up off the floor then you’ll be stretching your lower back rather than opening your hips. That´s totally fine, but if you want to focus on your hips, try to keep your lower back on the mat. Also, knees are hip-width distance apart, & the more you bend them, the less you´ll be stretching your hamstrings. You can play around with it to see what´s best for you, but the pose is usually expressed with legs at a 90º angle.

Props: if holding your feet isn´t available to you, try looping a yoga strap around around the middle arch of each foot, or hold your shins instead. Use a folded blanket to support your head if your neck is weak. You can also place a yoga block under your sacrum fo extra support.

Avoid or Modify Happy Baby Pose if you:

  • have a herniated disk

  • have suffered recent/or have chronic injury or inflammation to the legs, shoulders, or neck

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness

  • have had hip, knee &/or ankle injuries

  • are elderly, exercise caution, & refrain from pulling the legs too hard towards the shoulders

  • are pregnant - if you feel any numbness or dizziness, exit the pose!


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