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Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Kapotasana)

ardha (half) + kapota (pigeon) + asana (pose)

Do you feed pigeons or shoo them away? Are they flying rats or urban doves? A lot of us have strong, even polarized views about pigeons, & many yogis feel pretty much the same way about Pigeon - both half & full - Pose. But Ardha Kapotasana should be renamed "the King of Hip-Openers" as it does what most hip-opening poses can´t do: it externally rotates the femur *&* stretches the psoas. If that´s not enough, it can either be a forward fold or a backbend, depending on how you choose to express the pose - yup, time to show your pigeon some love & respect! While especially beneficial to those of us who sit for long periods of time, Half Pigeon may not be readily available to everyone - beginner & more experienced yogis alike - simply because our bodies are different. Don´t push yourself: it´s still Pigeon Pose if your bent leg is tucked close to your body! There are many variations & props you can try to ease yourself into Pigeon if you´re a bit stiff or if biology has conspired to give you uneven hips. A great way to prepare for this pose is by spending some time in any variation of a Seated Forward Fold, Reclining Figure 4, Cradle & Fire Log Pose. Afterwards, relax with Extended Child's Pose, Reclining Hero or Happy Baby Pose for some welcoming counterposes. And maybe next time, give that little urban dove a few crumbs from your bagel!


  • lengthens the hip flexors & lower back

  • opens the hip joints in adduction & flexion

  • increases the external range of motion of the femur in the hip socket

  • improves flexibility & range of motion

  • stretches the buttocks & the piriformis muscle (think sacrum), so it´s helpful for those suffering with sciatica

  • prepares body for backbends & seated postures (think Padmasana/Lotus Pose)

  • assists those with urinary disorders & women with nasty menstrual symptoms

  • massages the digestive & reproductive organs

  • helps digestion

  • heightens awareness

  • energizes, de-stresses, & relaxes.

Remember: to flex the foot of your front bent leg to protect your knee. Rather than push your front leg to the front of the mat to make it parallel with the edge, slide your body back leaving your bent leg where it is, & ease yourself into it. If at any time you feel pain in the lower back or knee, back off! Keep the hips square while balancing the body on the hip of the bent-knee side. The 2 most important things you can do are: 1) to consciously visualize & organize what the upper & lower parts of your body are doing (are your hipbones parallel? Your sacrum level?) & 2) listen to your body!

Props: If your sacrum isn´t level, place a yoga block underneath the buttock of your bent leg for added height & support. If a block lifts your buttock too high, experiment with a cushion or rolled-up towel to find balance. A bolster in front of you makes for a soft landing for your arms & head if you decide to recline into a forward fold.

Avoid or modify Half Pigeon Pose if you have:

  • sacroiliac problems, i.e., chronic hip & low back issues

  • any recent knee injury &/or chronic problems with your knee(s)

  • suffer from insomnia

  • suffer from migraines

  • have hypertension

  • have any weak functions of any organ

  • are pregnant or menstruating

  • suffer from migraines

  • suffer from arthritis in the joints/spondylitis.

​© 2024 by Sol y Luna Yoga

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