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Archived asanas

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Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)🌓

ardha (half) + chandra (moon) + asana (pose)

Half Moon Pose is a challenging intermediate-level balancing pose that engages the opposing sides of the body, our male & femaleness, while stretching & strengthening our bodies. Our Moon often proves to be inaccessible to many yogis - especially Beginners - but fortunately, there are lots of props & variations to help you express the pose to the best of your ability. In one interpretation of its full expression, you´ll lift your gaze upwards towards the hand of your raised arm, & that can be super demanding for many of us, so do your best to stop your chattering mind & establish your drishti (a place where you can lock your eyes) wherever makes you feel stable & comfortable. The less wobbly among us may even move into a revolved verson of this pose, but let´s not get ahead of ourselves. You can warm up your body with Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle, or Triangle Pose, & then follow up with Warrior 2, Standing Splits, & Mountain Pose. You don´t have to be Neil Armstrong to express this pose (he had a full moon after all), but you definitely won´t be telling Houston that you have a problem.🌓


  • strengthens hips, legs (quads, glutes, hamstrings), ankles, knees, abdomen, & buttocks 

  • strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, neck, & shoulders

  • engages the core

  • alleviates back pain

  • opens the chest, upper back, & shoulders

  • improves balance, focus, & coordination

  • helps to improve digestion

  • boosts self-confidence.


Remember: if you fall out of the pose, go right back in! Like all balancing poses, Half Moon reminds us that getting there is more important than 'nailing' the pose. If you have balance issues, keep your gaze on the floor rather than turning your head to look up at your raised hand. Keep a slight bend in your standing leg so you don’t hyper extend your knee. Also, be mindful about getting out of the pose - perhaps step backwards into Triangle Pose or Warrior 2, or bring both hips towards the front of your mat & transition into a Standing Split.


Props: support your hand on a yoga block if you have difficulty touching the floor with your lower hand. You can also place your hand or forearm on the seat of a sturdy chair for extra stability, or use the wall behind you to support your raised leg.


Avoid or modify Half Moon Pose if you

  • are pregnant; pregnant yogis should use a wall for support

  • have suffered a neck injury, keep your gaze towards the floor

  • suffer from blood pressure problems

  • suffer from headaches/migraines

  • have sustained knee, wrist, ankle, rib cage &/or shoulder injuries

  • have diarrhea.


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