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Archived asanas

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Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)

utkata (fierce/proud) + kona (angle) + asana (pose)

Utkata Konasana is a beginner-friendly powerful standing pose: the lower body is in a wide-legged plié-squat (more about that below) & the arms are raised to shoulder height, elbows bent. Goddess Pose should be eased into as it requires open hips - you can experiment with your body by gently bouncing into it. How fun is that? You still need to warm up though, & Garland, Cobbler´s, & Chair Pose are all great prep poses. Goddess Pose activates base energy, but if you want some extra heat, include it in a vinyasa sequence of Temple, Five Pointed Star & Mountain Poses, or try adding some twists or binds to your goddess. Whether it´s part of vinyasa sequence or not, at some point try to hold the pose for at least 30 seconds. Follow up with Wide-Legged Forward Fold or Garland Pose to help relax the body. Utkata konasana is connected with Lakshmi ("she who bestows both worldly success & spiritual liberation”), the Hindu goddess who symbolizes power, good fortune, grace, & fertility, qualities which the posture is said to cultivate. When part of a prenatal yoga sequence, Goddess helps to widen the uterus to prepare it for delivery. Whether you´re a he-yogi or a she-yogi, surely there´s a little goddess in all of us?


  • opens, tones, & strengthens the hips, legs (quads & inner thighs), knees & chest

  • promotes a long spine & good posture

  • stimulates the uro-genital system & pelvic floor

  • strengthens & stretches the back muscles & shoulder joint

  • tones & strengthens the core muscles

  • relieves varicose veins

  • heats the body & increases circulation

  • makes you feel like a powerful goddess!!!

Remember: Keep your toes facing outwards, not parallel to the edge of your mat. Although often called "Goddess Squat" don´t confuse this with a traditional squat where your bottom juts out behind you; this is a plié-squat (ooh la la!), so as you descend, engage your core, & bend your knees taking the hips downwards. Your hips should be open, your thighs parallel (-ish) to the mat, your knees over your ankles, & your shoulders rolled back, away from your ears.

Props: your hands (yes, your body is a prop too!) - bring your hands together at the heart centre to ease up on your shoulders. For added support, you can also place your hands on your thighs, or stand against a wall.

Avoid or Modify Goddess Pose if you have:

  • had any recent injuries to your hips, shoulders &/or legs, ankles or toes

  • had an inguinal hernia

  • brittle bones

  • body weakness &/or weak musculature or joints

  • severe arthritis

  • fibromyalgia

  • frequent migraines

  • any balancing issues, such as vertigo

  • a lack of Breath Body Awareness.


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