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Archived asanas

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Gate Pose (Parighasana)

parigha (door/gate) + asana (pose

We tell our yogis until the cows come home that side bends are not a move that we naturally make in the course of our day, so guess what? Yup, we need to work on them. Beginner-friendly Gate Pose (in the full expression of the pose, your body will mimic the bolt of a locked gate) is a fabby lateral bend that not only targets (& strengthens) the side body, but also the obliques & intercostal (those that connect the ribs) muscles. And the nifty thing about this pose is that you can either reach toward your straight leg or away from it creating a long line from your fingertips to your foot. Warm up your body with a variation of Gate where your torso is upright & your arms are extended out to the side, or with Half Circle Pose, or Half Moon Variation (the knee of the supporting leg is on the floor). Afterwards, Extended Child´s Pose is a delicious relaxation pose, as are Crescent Lunge & Puppy Pose. This is a great prenatal pose as Gate lengthens the sides of the belly, creating more room for the internal organs & for the growing baby. As the pregnancy progresses though, moms should consider modifying the pose with props & by keeping their gaze low.


  • strengthens, stretches, & lengthens the hamstrings, calves, & inner thigh of the extended leg

  • stretches both the large back muscles & the muscles alongside your spine

  • stabilizes both knees, feet, & ankles

  • lengthens the side body (obliques & intercostal muscles)

  • stretches the intercostals will help to improve breathing capacity

  • helps engage the deeper muscles of the pelvis thereby strengthens the glutes

  • improves posture & counteracts the effects of sitting for extended periods of time

  • creates a "squeeze & release" motion on the organs, which increases their efficiency.

Remember: to keep your top shoulder blade back, so that you avoid rounding the spine forward. Remember to keep your supporting hand off your knee as you don´t want to put any added pressure on your knee joint. Also, keep your extended leg straight & your torso aligned with your thigh - symmetry is the key here!

Props: Slip a blanket under your knee if this pose causes you discomfort. If being on the floor is not available to you, you can either place your knee on a chair or even sit on it with one leg bent and the other extended to the side. If you can't press the foot of your extended leg flat on the floor, press your foot against a wall.

Avoid or modify Gate Pose if you:

  • have ankle, knee or shoulder injuries

  • have suffered any trauma to your rib cage

  • have any neck injuries, don´t turn your head to face upward

  • are in the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy.


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