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Archived asanas

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Garland Pose (Malasana)

mala (garland/necklace) + asana (pose)

Bunged up? Stiff & creaky? Garland Pose will help you feel better as it stimulates the Apāna Vayu, the body's downward energy flow. This pose isn't just recommended for the achy & constipated, but also for women preparing for pregnancy, & is a fantastic addition to your prenatal yoga practice. These super deep squats came naturally to us as kids, & if we`ve lost the tendency to lower ourselves to the earth to, say, pick up a coin, it´s high time we regain it. Expressed properly, squats lower our chances of injuring our knees & ankles. Consider warming up with Both Big Toe Pose, Balancing Bear Pose, & rounds of Seated Cat Cows. When releasing from the pose, come into Staff Pose & then maybe release the hips & spine with Standing Forward Bend or even Gorilla Pose. If entering Garland is difficult, you can sit on the front edge of a chair, thighs forming a right angle to your torso, heels on the floor slightly ahead of your knees - from there, lean your torso forward between your thighs. There are variations for the less wobbly among us, including coming up onto your toes & balancing there, or additionally, raising 1 leg & folding it into the groin. For a fabulous bind, wrap your arms around your knees & clasp your hands behind your back. However you choose to express the pose, Malasana seeks to remind us that we are all precious necklaces or garlands.


  • strengthening & toning of your calves, ankles, back, neck & abdominals

  • opens hips & groins

  • stabilizes the pelvic floor

  • strengthens the core

  • promotes good posture

  • stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, prostate glands, & the intestines

  • helps balance the hormones & strengthen the uterus,

  • alleviates menstrual cramps

  • improves balance, concentration, & focus

  • brings self-awareness & promotes confidence.

Remember: not to round your spine in Garland; keep your chest open, your spine straight, your neck long, & your haze forward. You can use your elbows to gently press your inner thighs open, but don't force the move.

Props: If strength, flexibility or balance are an issue for you, yoga blocks under your hips will make the pose more accessible. If you experience knee pain or your heels won´t reach the ground, a rolled towel (behind the knees or under the feet) will help. If you have trouble bending over or have stiff groins, you can express this pose by sitting on a low stool or bench.

Avoid or modify Garland Pose if you:

  • have sustained any shoulder, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, or pelvic injuries including ligament tears

  • experience hip pain

  • have had abdominal surgery

  • suffer from chronic lower back or knee pain

  • are in the first 2 trimesters of your pregnancy.


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