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Archived asanas

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Fish Pose (Matsyasana)🐠

matsya (fish) + asana (pose)

The origin of this supine pose can be found in Hindu mythology, & is an archetypal flood story with the Lord Vishnu (here as a fish) saving humankind, while imparting his wisdom to his human saviour. Fish Pose is a gentle, but challenging heart-opening backbend that not only helps you to sharpen your focus, but is also a tonic for whenever you feel out of balance, out of your element, like a fish out of water. You´ll need to press your forearms & elbows firmly against the mat as you inhale, & then lift your chest & head away from the mat as you press your scapulas into your back. Like most asanas, there are variations available to you: you can prop yourself up on your forearms, or - if you want a challenge - you can raise your arms (fingertips toward the heavens) or even bring your legs into lotus position (this is the traditional positioning of the legs) with your hands in anjali mudra (prayer). Just make sure that you´re sufficiently warmed up beforehand; Plough Pose, Supported Shoulder Stand, & Wind Release Pose should do the trick. Afterwards, relax your body with some Supine Spinal Twists, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, or go directly into Corpse Pose. Remember to hold the pose for at least 5 breaths lest you feel like a fish out of water! 🐠🐠🐠



  • strengthens the shoulders & upper back in extension

  • stretches the intercostal muscles (between the ribs), improving circulation to the breasts & lungs, stimulating the liver & kidneys

  • opens the diaphragm & massages the heart muscle & lungs

  • relieves tension in the neck, throat, & shoulders

  • improves posture

  • helps combat constipation

  • fights fatigue & anxiety

  • is therapeutic for menstrual pain

  • stimulates the immune system

  • encourages clear thinking & communication.

Remember: Mind your neck! Your neck should experience no discomfort, so if it´s strained at all, use a prop! - be sure that your head is resting comfortably on the floor. Remember also to soften throat, eyes, & jaw. Like a fish, you´re floating, supported by the water beneath you.


Props: You can place a pillow or block under your head for extra support/comfort. A rolled blanket under your back will give you added support too.


Avoid or modify Fish Pose if you:

  • have sustained injuries to or experience pain in the neck, shoulder pain, head, chest, ribcage, back, spine, or lower back

  • suffer from hyperthyroidism, high or low blood pressure, heart disease

  • have glaucoma

  • generally have a weak body

  • suffer from insomnia

  • are prone to migraines &/or vertigo

  • suffer from severe asthma

  • have had a stroke

  • are menstruating

  • are pregnant.


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