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Fire Log Pose (Agnistambhasana) 🔥

agni (fire) + stambh (log) + asana (pose)

I´m not going to lie to you, yogis either love or hate Fire Log Pose. This intermediate seated posture is a deep hip opener, & while it looks simple enough (it isn't), & it isn't always pretty, stacking bended knee upon foot & foot upon bended knee like firewood is nothing short of an eye-opener: we can instantly feel & see how our bodies are unaligned. How is it possible that 1 side can be so different from the other?!! The good news is that there´s a host of variations (e.g., Supine Figure 4 & Firelog Variation with 1 extended straight leg) make this pose more accessible to those of us with tight hips or a wonky alignment, or to make it more challenging for those with more openness. If Fire Log isn´t accessible to you, don´t move on to Lotus Pose!—everything in its time. Make sure you´ve warmed up your hips beforehand in Cradle Pose, Baddha Konasana, Half Pigeon or Straddle Pose. These same poses will work as relaxing poses afterwards, & maybe you could toss in Seated Windshield Wiper Pose to really reward your hips. The initial reaction to this pose is the stretch we experience around the knees, but as our flexibility increases, we´ll see that the hips are actually the target. Breathe evenly & deeply, holding the pose for a minute or 2 on each side. But, be careful with yourself, & always practise ahimsa: the principle of doing no harm. Better to grab a yoga block &/or remain upright rather than bending forward with a round back than extinguish your beautiful bright flame.


  • stretches & opens the outer hips, particularly the piriformis

  • strengthens & stretches the groins, gluteus, quads & hamstrings

  • improves knee flexibility

  • is therapeutic for Irritable Leg Syndrome

  • stimulates the abdominal organs

  • reduces tension, anxiety, & stress

  • heightens self-confidence & awareness.

​Remember: keep your torso long, & be mindful of your knees & feet. Alignment is crucial not only to the expression of this pose, but to prevent you from injuring yourself - so if you feel any discomfort or there´s a sizeable gap between your bent legs, modify!!! No one wants to see a yogi burn out!


Props: if your top leg doesn´t rest on your bottom leg, place a cushion, yoga block or folded blanket between your legs supporting your knee, or place a yoga block (with your upper knee propped on it) in front of your lower shin. Also, you can sit with a cushion, yoga block or folded blanket under the sit bones for added height & to assist flexibility.


Avoid or Modify Fire Log Pose if you

  • have sustained recent (or suffer from chronic) knee or low back injury or inflammation

  • acute lower back, arms, neck, & shoulder pain

  • suffer from arthritis in the knees

  • have weak or injured ankles

  • are pregnant with swollen ankles &/or back pain

  • have sciatica.


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