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Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) 📐

utthita (extended) + parsva (side) + kona (angle) + asana (pose)

Extended Side Angle is like a multi-use can opener: it opens up the entire body (but especially the side body) while lengthening it, stretching it, & strengthening it. It´s often incorporated into a vinyasa with Triangle Pose & "the Warriors", & as such, creates a fabulous trifecta with the addition of a gentle upper body twist. Let´s talk side body: yoga poses like this lengthen the spine & lift the upper body out of our pelvic bowl - this helps to open up the space between the vertebrae, which can get smushed by extended periods of sitting. Even if you don´t do the Triangle/Warriors vinyasa, it´s natural to warm up with Warrior 2 & Reverse Warrior, Starfish, as well as Triangle Pose. After you pracise this pose equally on both sides, relax with Starfish & Goddess Pose, & perhaps some Down Dogs. There are several variations to make this pose more challenging (you can try a bind with your hands, or you can plant the hand of your "front" arm on the floor) or props to make it accessible if you don´t feel particularly bendy. Just be mindful with your alignment (what yoga instructors call that "long line of energy") & always adjust your stance (shorter, wider, it´s all good) to establish a strong foundation - if your hand reaches the floor, great. If not, that´s great too. If you can gaze upwards, that´s fabby. If not, that´s fabby too. ​ Benefits:

  • tones the core, including the muscles around the chest, arms, abdomen, hips (hip flexors) & inner thighs (adductor & groin), & legs (calves & hamstrings)

  • opens the hips

  • nourishes vertebral discs

  • builds & develops stamina, balance, & strength

  • stretches & strengthens the legs (including our ankles)

  • improves joint flexibility

  • opens the chest

  • aids digestion by stimulating abdominal organs

  • can improve backache when care is taken with proper alignment

  • reduces menstrual discomfort

  • has therapeutic applications for sciatica & osteoporosis

  • boosts energy & fights fatigue.

Remember: to press down through all 4 corners of both feet to create stability - especially the long edge of your back foot! Try to maintain a 90-degree angle with the thigh of your bent leg so it´s parallel to the floor. If your hand is on the mat, your arm should be parallel to your shin; if it isn´t, then bring your forearm to your thigh. ​​ Props: place your lower hand on a yoga block if you´re somewhere between having your elbow on your knee & hand on the floor. Modify or avoid Supine Spinal Twist if you

  • suffer from High Blood Pressure

  • have an especially stiff neck

  • suffer from chronic migraines

  • a weak nervous system

  • have weak joints

  • are recovering from a hip, knee, or a leg injury.


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