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Archived asanas

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Extended Child´s Pose (Utthita Balasana)

utthita (extended) + bala (child) + asana (pose) or Prasarita [wide] Balasana)

A Beginner-Friendly restorative pose, Extended Child is a delicious variation of Child´s Pose, a Foundation Pose that´s a favourite among many yogis, as it stretches the spine, hips, knees, & relieves tension in our bodies while helping to regulate the beating of our hearts. The essential difference is that we separate our knees in this variation which then allows - if available to us - our rib cages & foreheads to gently rest onto our mats. Additionally, we stretch our arms forward, in turn engaging & lengthening the back muscles of the upper body, shoulders & arms, & the spine. For many yogis, this forward fold (in either variation) is not a comfortable posture (physically & for those who suffer from claustrophobia), so if this is you, either modify with a prop or skip it altogether. Cat Cow, Down Dog, & Cobra are all excellent poses to prepare our bodies for Extended Child´s & to relax into afterwards! The beauty of Extended Child is that it offers us rest when sequenced between challenging poses, it´s an excellent prep pose for Frog or Half Frog Pose, & it´s also a fabulous inversion in its own right, & can be incorporated into your practice as such. This is a grounding pose which requires us to completely surrender ourselves; physically it may be simple, but emotionally it may take a lot of practice.



  • stretches the entire back, (especially the sides of the upper back), the arms, hip muscles, quads, calves, & ankles

  • improves flexibility & range of motion by opening the hips & pelvic muscles

  • relieves shoulder & neck pain

  • promotes healthy joints

  • helps promote good digestion.

  • can ease symptoms of headaches, migraines, & PMS

  • relieves fatigue

  • calms the mind & central nervous system. 

 Remember:  to get the most out of this fold, your mantra is "pull the spine forward", not "collapse" onto the mat. If reaching the mat is not open to you, lay your torso on top of your closed thighs or use a prop. No hunching! - roll your shoulders away from your ears & remember to spread your fingers wide to maximize the stretch.

Props: bolster placed between your knees will provide a fabulous resting place for your torso if you can´t quite reach the mat. You can also place a folded blanket or a yoga block under your face or the sit bones for added support. If you have sensitive knees, place padding of some sort beneath them, for example a cushion or folded blanket (I use fuzzy slippers!).

Modify or avoid Extended Child´s Pose if you

  • suffer from acute arthritis, knees joint pain, or rheumatoid arthritis

  • have had any injury to the ankles, shoulders, knees, or wrists

  • have undergone recent abdominal surgery, hip replacement, or knee surgery 

  • are heavily pregnant

  • lack breath awareness.


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