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Archived asanas

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Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

sukh (pleasure/happy) + asana (pose)

It´s January, & a lot of us are carrying a little extra weight & anxiety leftover from the holiday season, so it´s time for a little break from the stretching & pulling & balancing. Sukhasana is a grounding hip-opening spine-stretching seated posture that's, well, easy to maintain for extended periods of time. Having said that, this Easy Pose isn´t easy for a lot of adults - sure, it was easy-peasy when we were kids, but not everyone´s stiff & achy joints (used to spending long hours sitting) still have the flexibility & rotation needed to express this pose. If you do have the flexibility (or choose to modify/use a prop), you´ll find Easy Pose to be a comforting & comfortable pose that will allow you to meditate, or breathe, or chant the morning away, or as a resting pose between more dynamic postures. You can open up your hips beforehand in Extended Child´s Pose & Head-to-Knee Pose, & afterwards maybe practise some variations of Easy Pose (lateral, with a forward fold, &/or with neck stretches/rotations for example) &/or some Seated Cat Cows. If you do enter forward or side bends from Sukhasana, remember to switch your front & back leg so that your hips can truly benefit from the bend - & note how different each side feels. And don't forget to ommmm!


  • strengthens the back & core muscles

  • stretches the spine, knees & ankles

  • opens the hips, groin, & abductors (the outer thigh muscles)

  • with hands in Anjali Mudra & the shoulders broad, it opens the chest

  • helps to lower or regulate blood pressure

  • increases the blood supply to the digestive & reproductive system

  • encourages proper alignment & posture

  • heightens awareness & focus

  • calms the mind, preparing it for meditation.

Remember: NO slouching! Keep your back straight & the crown of your head reaching upward. Your shoulders should be rolled back, away from your ears.

Props: you can just as easily do Easy Pose while sitting in a chair (keep your back from touching the back of the chair & your ankles under your knees, or bend 1 leg at a time over the other knee). If your hips need a bit of extra support, sit on a folded blanket or bolster, & if your knees are the issue, slip a folded blanket or bolster beneath them. A wedge is an excellent prop to combat poor posture!

Avoid or Modify Easy Pose if you

  • have arthritis in the knees, hips, & feet

  • have a slipped disc, spinal issues, weak digestion, minor backache, or knee pain

  • suffer from chronic sciatica

  • have anxiety issues, keep your eyes open

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness.


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