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Archived asanas

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Eagle Pose (Garudasana) 🦅

garuda (eagle) + asana (pose)

Eagle Pose is a challenging standing pose that requires a lot of focus - not just because of the balancing & hip-opening aspects of the pose, but because of the asymetrical or opposing alignment of the arms & legs: left over/right over, right over/left over. Aaargh! Additionally, in "Eagle arms", your arms are crossed twice: at the elbows & at the wrists (with fingers interlaced or palms pressed together); for many yogis, this can be *really* challenging. To fully express this pose, you´ll need to call on your reserves of strength, flexibility, & endurance because of the intense demands it makes on your shoulders & hips. Your Eagle isn´t going to fly without some preparation, so spend some time in Chair Pose, Cobbler´s Pose, Standing Reverse Prayer, Cow Face Pose & One Legged Mountain Pose beforehand. Be kind to your hips & shoulder joints afterwards with Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose, Down-Dog Pose, Palm Tree Pose, & Garland Pose. Whether you´re able to express the pose fully - or can even go deeper by bending forward & pressing your forearms on top of your thighs - or choose a modification or prop, you´ll soon be flying like the eagle you were meant to be: it´s not about the destination, but about the journey!


  • strengthens the core, arms, thighs, legs, & ankles

  • opens the hips & shoulder joints

  • heightens postural & body awareness

  • increases circulation in the joints

  • improves digestion

  • massages the pelvic & abdominal organs.

Remember: if you feel any constriction/tightening while in the pose, try leaning into that discomfort to find ease & stability. If it´s tricky to hook the foot of your raised leg behind the calf of your standing leg, balance on the toes of your raised foot. Make sure your hands are pressing flat against each other with fingers long. If wrapping your arms is problematic, place your hands on opposite shoulders. Be mindful about your alignment: your elbows & knees should be in 1 line, & your forearms should be moving away from your face.

Props: If wrapping your raised foot around your calf is not available to you, place a yoga block under that foot. Alternatively, you can eliminate the balancing component altogether by sitting in a chair & bringing your arms into Eagle Pose. If "Eagle arms" aren´t available to you, try a strap: holding it with one hand, cross your arms & clasp the strap with your other hand. You can control how much of a stretch you want with the tightness of the strap.

Avoid or modify Eagle Pose if you:

  • suffer from neck, low back, knee, &/or hip pain (consider trying a supine version)

  • have had any injuries to your deltoids

  • suffer from sciatica

  • have a herniated disk

  • suffer from high blood pressure

  • have a history of heart ailments, depression, dizziness, vertigo, migraine, insomnia, &/or nausea

  • tightness in the back or shoulders, simply hug yourself or bring your hands into prayer posture rather than attempt "Eagle arms".


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