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Archived asanas

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Dolphin Pose (Catur Svanasana)🐬

catur (4) + svana (dog) + asana (pose)

Also known as Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, Dolphin Pose is a super stretchy semi-inversion that strengthens the upper body, preparing us for more challenging inversions & arm balances. This is an excellent alternative to Downward Facing Dog because it relieves pressure on the wrists (a common affliction among beginners). It also challenges the intermediate yogi because there´s less space for extension through the armpits. Our Dolphin is an excellent alternative to (& preparation for) inversions. Let´s face it: inversions take strength, flexibility, & confidence, but if you´re not there yet, that´s okay. Extended Child´s Pose & Puppy Pose are fabby prep poses, while spending some time in Child´s Pose afterwards will make your heart sing (or make little dolphin clicky sounds). By helping to strengthen our physical & mental resolve, Dolphin gives us all the benefits of a dreaded inversion without the scary bits! 🐬🐬🐬



  • strengthens your arms, legs, & shoulders

  • opens both your shoulders & upper back

  • relieves compression between vertebrae

  • improves core strength

  • stretches hamstrings, calves, & arches

  • calms the brain, & helps relieve stress / mild depression

  • helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

  • relieves menstrual discomfort when done with head supported

  • helps prevent osteoporosis

  • improves digestion

  • relieves headache, insomnia, back pain, & fatigue

  • therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, & insomnia (phew! That´s a lot!)

Remember: don’t allow your shoulders to move behind the elbows - they should be "stacked" over the elbows (this will help prevent any shoulder injuries). Try to push the floor away with your forearms so that your shoulders & hips extend away from your elbows in a straight line. In fact, keep your shoulder blades firmly against your back to support you & away from your ears. Try to keep your neck relaxed so that it´s in line with your spine.

Props: Try placing a yoga block between your hands if your upper arms feel weak, your inner wrists lift, &/or your hands come together. Equally, a yoga wedge placed under your heels will help "raise the floor" if your heels can´t make it to the mat, or you can simply keep your knees bent.

Avoid or Modify Dolphin Pose if you:

  • have had any recent or current shoulder, back, arm, or neck injuries

  • have weak knees or lower back, or have really tight hamstrings modify by keeping your knees bent

  • have glaucoma

  • are recovering from a stroke

  • have High Blood Pressure

  • are heavily pregnant

  • currently have diarrhea

  • lack Breath Body Awareness.


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