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Archived asanas

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Dancer Pose (Natarajasana) 🩰

nata (dancer) + raja (king) + asana (pose)

Honouring Shiva, the Lord of the Dance (ear worm anyone?), Natarajasana is a "modern" asana, but it´s another trifecta for yogis because it´s an all-in-one balancing, heart/shoulder-opening, & back-bending pose! Considered an intermediate pose, for many of us Dancer is more accessible if entered through Mountain Pose. You´ll need to warm your body up before hand, perhaps with Half Pigeon, Bow Pose, Locust Pose, &/or Reclining Hero Pose. After expressing the pose equally on "both sides", give your shoulders, back, & legs a giant ahhhhhhhhhh! by coming into Warrior I, Reverse Warrior, Standing Wind Release Pose, & Standing Forward Bend (& Half too). There are props & modifications you can take to make this pose more manageable for you or to make it more challenging. Just remember that if you fall out, fall right back into it! Dancers are nothing if not graceful (unless you've seen me dance, but never mind).


  • strengthens the quads, hamstrings, calves, feet, ankles, core, back, & arms

  • opens the front body, the chest, abdomen, hip flexors (think psoas!), & shoulders

  • tones the muscles of the spine & the neck

  • opens the hips

  • improves breathing

  • improves digestion by toning the abdominal organs

  • activates the thyroid glands

  • improves balance & concentration

  • teaches grace & poise

  • is therapeutic for joint pains & back hunch

  • builds confidence.

Remember: don’t lock the knee of your supporting leg - keep a micro-bend in that knee to help. Your toes should be spread out wide to help with your foundation. It´s important to keep your hips as square as possible so that your bent leg is extending back, not out. Also, establish a drishti or focal point before bending our leg.


Props: if balance is an issue for you, hold onto the back of a chair or place your hand against a wall to support you. You could even place the shin of your bent leg against a wall to get a better grip of your toes to help your entry into the pose. A yoga strap can be used to lift the bent leg, but this should only be done with the guidance of an instructor! If this pose is still too challenging, consider keeping your thighs together & then bend at the knee, clasping the ankle if possible, & raising your arm straight up toward the ceiling.


Modify or avoid Dancer Pose if you

  • suffer from low back pain

  • have injuries/problems associated with your joints (especially, knees, ankles, & toes)

  • are elderly or pregnant (balancing issues) suffer from any kind of physical illness, brittle bones, arthritis, or overall body weakness

  • have a slipped disk

  • lack Breath-Body Awareness

  • history of heart disease

  • suffer from migraines

  • suffer from vertigo &/or nausea

  • are currently menstruating

  • suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


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