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Archived asanas

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Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)🐊

makara (crocodile) + asana (pose)

Tick tock, tick tock, there´s a crocodile telling you to relax (with apologies to Peter Pan)! Makarasana is a Beginner-friendly, stress-busting restorative pose that relaxes the whole body & helps relieve back pain. It provides deep relaxation for the muscles in the back & has a positive impact on posture & the alignment of the spine. While it appears to be quite simple, it still requires a lot of control & some flexibility in your back to express it safely. Your abdomen should completely rest on your mat, your upper chest elevated a tidge with the weight of your upper body resting on the abdomen & lower rib cage. Close your eyes, relax your face, shoulders, abdomen, pelvis, legs, & feet, & try some diaphragmatic breathing. It´s always a good idea for your spine to be warmed up beforehand, so spend some time in Thread the Needle, Sphinx Pose, & perhaps even Locust Pose. before tackling your crocodile, restorative pose though it may be. Fabby poses to counter your crocodile include Child´s Pose, Extended Child´s Pose, & then ultimately Corpse Pose. Modifications include resting your chin or cheeks on the clasped hands of your raised bent arms, or for a challenge, lifting your legs. Once you´ve mastered your croc, you can move on to another reptile-inspired asana like Cobra Pose or our favourite amphibian, Frog Pose, full or Half. After all your excellent efforts on the mat, your body will thank you with crocodile tears of joy! 🐊


  • lengthens the spine, especially the cervical spine

  • stimulates the sacrum

  • massages the abdominal organs

  • regulates blood pressure

  • relaxes the muscular system

  • helps relieve anxiety by creating a deep rest for the nerves

  • cools your body

  • reduces symptoms associated with PMS

  • promotes good sleep.

Remember: don’t strain your neck by, for example, straining your upper back or lifting your gaze to the ceiling. This might strain your neck or back. Also, don´t enter this pose from plank - or enter it too quickly! Remember to be mindful as you rotate your arms & shoulders to avoid injurying your shoulders.


Props: You can place a bolster under your chest or a folded towel around your neck for support.


Avoid or modify Crocodile Pose if you:

  • are pregnant or are experiencing a heavy flow during your period

  • have stomach disorders

  • have a serious back injury

  • have high blood pressure

  • have neck pain or have suffered neck injuries (support your forehead to keep the neck neutral).


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